{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2005
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This defined parsers and partial pretty printers for the @.cabal@ format.
-- Some of the complexity in this module is due to the fact that we have to be
-- backwards compatible with old @.cabal@ files, so there's code to translate
-- into the newer structure.

module Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (
        -- * Package descriptions

        -- ** Parsing

        -- ** Supplementary build information

  ) where

import Data.Char  (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, isJust)
import Data.List  (nub, unfoldr, partition, (\\))
import Control.Monad (liftM, foldM, when, unless, ap)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid(..) )
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS.Char8
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Distribution.Text
         ( Text(disp, parse), display, simpleParse )
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
         ((+++), option)
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
import Text.PrettyPrint

import Distribution.ParseUtils hiding (parseFields)
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Utils
         ( cabalBug, userBug )
import Distribution.Package
         ( PackageIdentifier(..), Dependency(..), packageName, packageVersion )
import Distribution.ModuleName ( ModuleName )
import Distribution.Version
        ( Version(Version), orLaterVersion
        , LowerBound(..), asVersionIntervals )
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
import Distribution.Compiler  (CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (parseCondition, freeVars)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
         ( die, dieWithLocation, warn, intercalate, lowercase, cabalVersion
         , withFileContents, withUTF8FileContents
         , writeFileAtomic, writeUTF8File )

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The PackageDescription type

pkgDescrFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr PackageDescription]
pkgDescrFieldDescrs =
    [ simpleField "name"
           disp                   parse
           packageName            (\name pkg -> pkg{package=(package pkg){pkgName=name}})
 , simpleField "version"
           disp                   parse
           packageVersion         (\ver pkg -> pkg{package=(package pkg){pkgVersion=ver}})
 , simpleField "cabal-version"
           (either disp disp)     (liftM Left parse +++ liftM Right parse)
           specVersionRaw         (\v pkg -> pkg{specVersionRaw=v})
 , simpleField "build-type"
           (maybe empty disp)     (fmap Just parse)
           buildType              (\t pkg -> pkg{buildType=t})
 , simpleField "license"
           disp                   parseLicenseQ
           license                (\l pkg -> pkg{license=l})
   -- We have both 'license-file' and 'license-files' fields.
   -- Rather than declaring license-file to be deprecated, we will continue
   -- to allow both. The 'license-file' will continue to only allow single
   -- tokens, while 'license-files' allows multiple. On pretty-printing, we
   -- will use 'license-file' if there's just one, and use 'license-files'
   -- otherwise.
 , simpleField "license-file"
           showFilePath           parseFilePathQ
           (\pkg -> case licenseFiles pkg of
                      [x] -> x
                      _   -> "")
           (\l pkg -> pkg{licenseFiles=licenseFiles pkg ++ [l]})
 , listField "license-files"
           showFilePath           parseFilePathQ
           (\pkg -> case licenseFiles pkg of
                      [_] -> []
                      xs  -> xs)
           (\ls pkg -> pkg{licenseFiles=ls})
 , simpleField "copyright"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           copyright              (\val pkg -> pkg{copyright=val})
 , simpleField "maintainer"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           maintainer             (\val pkg -> pkg{maintainer=val})
 , simpleField "stability"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           stability              (\val pkg -> pkg{stability=val})
 , simpleField "homepage"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           homepage               (\val pkg -> pkg{homepage=val})
 , simpleField "package-url"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           pkgUrl                 (\val pkg -> pkg{pkgUrl=val})
 , simpleField "bug-reports"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           bugReports             (\val pkg -> pkg{bugReports=val})
 , simpleField "synopsis"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           synopsis               (\val pkg -> pkg{synopsis=val})
 , simpleField "description"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           description            (\val pkg -> pkg{description=val})
 , simpleField "category"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           category               (\val pkg -> pkg{category=val})
 , simpleField "author"
           showFreeText           parseFreeText
           author                 (\val pkg -> pkg{author=val})
 , listField "tested-with"
           showTestedWith         parseTestedWithQ
           testedWith             (\val pkg -> pkg{testedWith=val})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "data-files"
           showFilePath           parseFilePathQ
           dataFiles              (\val pkg -> pkg{dataFiles=val})
 , simpleField "data-dir"
           showFilePath           parseFilePathQ
           dataDir                (\val pkg -> pkg{dataDir=val})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "extra-source-files"
           showFilePath    parseFilePathQ
           extraSrcFiles          (\val pkg -> pkg{extraSrcFiles=val})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "extra-tmp-files"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           extraTmpFiles          (\val pkg -> pkg{extraTmpFiles=val})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "extra-doc-files"
           showFilePath    parseFilePathQ
           extraDocFiles          (\val pkg -> pkg{extraDocFiles=val})

-- | Store any fields beginning with "x-" in the customFields field of
--   a PackageDescription.  All other fields will generate a warning.
storeXFieldsPD :: UnrecFieldParser PackageDescription
storeXFieldsPD (f@('x':'-':_),val) pkg =
  Just pkg{ customFieldsPD =
               customFieldsPD pkg ++ [(f,val)]}
storeXFieldsPD _ _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The Library type

libFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr Library]
libFieldDescrs =
  [ listFieldWithSep vcat "exposed-modules" disp parseModuleNameQ
      exposedModules (\mods lib -> lib{exposedModules=mods})

  , commaListFieldWithSep vcat "reexported-modules" disp parse
      reexportedModules (\mods lib -> lib{reexportedModules=mods})

  , listFieldWithSep vcat "required-signatures" disp parseModuleNameQ
      requiredSignatures (\mods lib -> lib{requiredSignatures=mods})

  , listFieldWithSep vcat "exposed-signatures" disp parseModuleNameQ
      exposedSignatures (\mods lib -> lib{exposedSignatures=mods})

  , boolField "exposed"
      libExposed     (\val lib -> lib{libExposed=val})
  ] ++ map biToLib binfoFieldDescrs
  where biToLib = liftField libBuildInfo (\bi lib -> lib{libBuildInfo=bi})

storeXFieldsLib :: UnrecFieldParser Library
storeXFieldsLib (f@('x':'-':_), val) l@(Library { libBuildInfo = bi }) =
    Just $ l {libBuildInfo =
                 bi{ customFieldsBI = customFieldsBI bi ++ [(f,val)]}}
storeXFieldsLib _ _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The Executable type

executableFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr Executable]
executableFieldDescrs =
  [ -- note ordering: configuration must come first, for
    -- showPackageDescription.
    simpleField "executable"
                           showToken          parseTokenQ
                           exeName            (\xs    exe -> exe{exeName=xs})
  , simpleField "main-is"
                           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
                           modulePath         (\xs    exe -> exe{modulePath=xs})
  ++ map biToExe binfoFieldDescrs
  where biToExe = liftField buildInfo (\bi exe -> exe{buildInfo=bi})

storeXFieldsExe :: UnrecFieldParser Executable
storeXFieldsExe (f@('x':'-':_), val) e@(Executable { buildInfo = bi }) =
    Just $ e {buildInfo = bi{ customFieldsBI = (f,val):customFieldsBI bi}}
storeXFieldsExe _ _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The TestSuite type

-- | An intermediate type just used for parsing the test-suite stanza.
-- After validation it is converted into the proper 'TestSuite' type.
data TestSuiteStanza = TestSuiteStanza {
       testStanzaTestType   :: Maybe TestType,
       testStanzaMainIs     :: Maybe FilePath,
       testStanzaTestModule :: Maybe ModuleName,
       testStanzaBuildInfo  :: BuildInfo

emptyTestStanza :: TestSuiteStanza
emptyTestStanza = TestSuiteStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing mempty

testSuiteFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr TestSuiteStanza]
testSuiteFieldDescrs =
    [ simpleField "type"
        (maybe empty disp)    (fmap Just parse)
        testStanzaTestType    (\x suite -> suite { testStanzaTestType = x })
    , simpleField "main-is"
        (maybe empty showFilePath)  (fmap Just parseFilePathQ)
        testStanzaMainIs      (\x suite -> suite { testStanzaMainIs = x })
    , simpleField "test-module"
        (maybe empty disp)    (fmap Just parseModuleNameQ)
        testStanzaTestModule  (\x suite -> suite { testStanzaTestModule = x })
    ++ map biToTest binfoFieldDescrs
    biToTest = liftField testStanzaBuildInfo
                         (\bi suite -> suite { testStanzaBuildInfo = bi })

storeXFieldsTest :: UnrecFieldParser TestSuiteStanza
storeXFieldsTest (f@('x':'-':_), val) t@(TestSuiteStanza { testStanzaBuildInfo = bi }) =
    Just $ t {testStanzaBuildInfo = bi{ customFieldsBI = (f,val):customFieldsBI bi}}
storeXFieldsTest _ _ = Nothing

validateTestSuite :: LineNo -> TestSuiteStanza -> ParseResult TestSuite
validateTestSuite line stanza =
    case testStanzaTestType stanza of
      Nothing -> return $
        emptyTestSuite { testBuildInfo = testStanzaBuildInfo stanza }

      Just tt@(TestTypeUnknown _ _) ->
        return emptyTestSuite {
          testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported tt,
          testBuildInfo = testStanzaBuildInfo stanza

      Just tt | tt `notElem` knownTestTypes ->
        return emptyTestSuite {
          testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported tt,
          testBuildInfo = testStanzaBuildInfo stanza

      Just tt@(TestTypeExe ver) ->
        case testStanzaMainIs stanza of
          Nothing   -> syntaxError line (missingField "main-is" tt)
          Just file -> do
            when (isJust (testStanzaTestModule stanza)) $
              warning (extraField "test-module" tt)
            return emptyTestSuite {
              testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 ver file,
              testBuildInfo = testStanzaBuildInfo stanza

      Just tt@(TestTypeLib ver) ->
        case testStanzaTestModule stanza of
          Nothing      -> syntaxError line (missingField "test-module" tt)
          Just module_ -> do
            when (isJust (testStanzaMainIs stanza)) $
              warning (extraField "main-is" tt)
            return emptyTestSuite {
              testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09 ver module_,
              testBuildInfo = testStanzaBuildInfo stanza

    missingField name tt = "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is required for the "
                        ++ display tt ++ " test suite type."

    extraField   name tt = "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is not used for the '"
                        ++ display tt ++ "' test suite type."

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The Benchmark type

-- | An intermediate type just used for parsing the benchmark stanza.
-- After validation it is converted into the proper 'Benchmark' type.
data BenchmarkStanza = BenchmarkStanza {
       benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkType   :: Maybe BenchmarkType,
       benchmarkStanzaMainIs          :: Maybe FilePath,
       benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkModule :: Maybe ModuleName,
       benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo       :: BuildInfo

emptyBenchmarkStanza :: BenchmarkStanza
emptyBenchmarkStanza = BenchmarkStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing mempty

benchmarkFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr BenchmarkStanza]
benchmarkFieldDescrs =
    [ simpleField "type"
        (maybe empty disp)    (fmap Just parse)
        (\x suite -> suite { benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkType = x })
    , simpleField "main-is"
        (maybe empty showFilePath)  (fmap Just parseFilePathQ)
        (\x suite -> suite { benchmarkStanzaMainIs = x })
    ++ map biToBenchmark binfoFieldDescrs
    biToBenchmark = liftField benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo
                    (\bi suite -> suite { benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo = bi })

storeXFieldsBenchmark :: UnrecFieldParser BenchmarkStanza
storeXFieldsBenchmark (f@('x':'-':_), val)
    t@(BenchmarkStanza { benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo = bi }) =
        Just $ t {benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo =
                       bi{ customFieldsBI = (f,val):customFieldsBI bi}}
storeXFieldsBenchmark _ _ = Nothing

validateBenchmark :: LineNo -> BenchmarkStanza -> ParseResult Benchmark
validateBenchmark line stanza =
    case benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkType stanza of
      Nothing -> return $
        emptyBenchmark { benchmarkBuildInfo = benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo stanza }

      Just tt@(BenchmarkTypeUnknown _ _) ->
        return emptyBenchmark {
          benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkUnsupported tt,
          benchmarkBuildInfo = benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo stanza

      Just tt | tt `notElem` knownBenchmarkTypes ->
        return emptyBenchmark {
          benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkUnsupported tt,
          benchmarkBuildInfo = benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo stanza

      Just tt@(BenchmarkTypeExe ver) ->
        case benchmarkStanzaMainIs stanza of
          Nothing   -> syntaxError line (missingField "main-is" tt)
          Just file -> do
            when (isJust (benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkModule stanza)) $
              warning (extraField "benchmark-module" tt)
            return emptyBenchmark {
              benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 ver file,
              benchmarkBuildInfo = benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo stanza

    missingField name tt = "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is required for the "
                        ++ display tt ++ " benchmark type."

    extraField   name tt = "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is not used for the '"
                        ++ display tt ++ "' benchmark type."

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The BuildInfo type

binfoFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr BuildInfo]
binfoFieldDescrs =
 [ boolField "buildable"
           buildable          (\val binfo -> binfo{buildable=val})
 , commaListField  "build-tools"
           disp               parseBuildTool
           buildTools         (\xs  binfo -> binfo{buildTools=xs})
 , commaListFieldWithSep vcat "build-depends"
           disp                   parse
 , spaceListField "cpp-options"
           showToken          parseTokenQ'
           cppOptions          (\val binfo -> binfo{cppOptions=val})
 , spaceListField "cc-options"
           showToken          parseTokenQ'
           ccOptions          (\val binfo -> binfo{ccOptions=val})
 , spaceListField "ld-options"
           showToken          parseTokenQ'
           ldOptions          (\val binfo -> binfo{ldOptions=val})
 , commaListField  "pkgconfig-depends"
           disp               parsePkgconfigDependency
           pkgconfigDepends   (\xs  binfo -> binfo{pkgconfigDepends=xs})
 , listField "frameworks"
           showToken          parseTokenQ
           frameworks         (\val binfo -> binfo{frameworks=val})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "c-sources"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           cSources           (\paths binfo -> binfo{cSources=paths})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "js-sources"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           jsSources          (\paths binfo -> binfo{jsSources=paths})
 , simpleField "default-language"
           (maybe empty disp) (option Nothing (fmap Just parseLanguageQ))
           defaultLanguage    (\lang  binfo -> binfo{defaultLanguage=lang})
 , listField   "other-languages"
           disp               parseLanguageQ
           otherLanguages     (\langs binfo -> binfo{otherLanguages=langs})
 , listField   "default-extensions"
           disp               parseExtensionQ
           defaultExtensions  (\exts  binfo -> binfo{defaultExtensions=exts})
 , listField   "other-extensions"
           disp               parseExtensionQ
           otherExtensions    (\exts  binfo -> binfo{otherExtensions=exts})
 , listField   "extensions"
           disp               parseExtensionQ
           oldExtensions      (\exts  binfo -> binfo{oldExtensions=exts})

 , listFieldWithSep vcat "extra-libraries"
           showToken          parseTokenQ
           extraLibs          (\xs    binfo -> binfo{extraLibs=xs})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "extra-ghci-libraries"
           showToken          parseTokenQ
           extraGHCiLibs      (\xs    binfo -> binfo{extraGHCiLibs=xs})
 , listField   "extra-lib-dirs"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           extraLibDirs       (\xs    binfo -> binfo{extraLibDirs=xs})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "includes"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           includes           (\paths binfo -> binfo{includes=paths})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "install-includes"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           installIncludes    (\paths binfo -> binfo{installIncludes=paths})
 , listField   "include-dirs"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           includeDirs        (\paths binfo -> binfo{includeDirs=paths})
 , listField   "hs-source-dirs"
           showFilePath       parseFilePathQ
           hsSourceDirs       (\paths binfo -> binfo{hsSourceDirs=paths})
 , listFieldWithSep vcat "other-modules"
           disp               parseModuleNameQ
           otherModules       (\val binfo -> binfo{otherModules=val})
 , optsField   "ghc-prof-options" GHC
           profOptions        (\val binfo -> binfo{profOptions=val})
 , optsField   "ghcjs-prof-options" GHCJS
           profOptions        (\val binfo -> binfo{profOptions=val})
 , optsField   "ghc-shared-options" GHC
           sharedOptions      (\val binfo -> binfo{sharedOptions=val})
 , optsField   "ghcjs-shared-options" GHCJS
           sharedOptions      (\val binfo -> binfo{sharedOptions=val})
 , optsField   "ghc-options"  GHC
           options            (\path  binfo -> binfo{options=path})
 , optsField   "ghcjs-options" GHCJS
           options            (\path  binfo -> binfo{options=path})
 , optsField   "jhc-options"  JHC
           options            (\path  binfo -> binfo{options=path})

 -- NOTE: Hugs and NHC are not supported anymore, but these fields are kept
 -- around for backwards compatibility.
 , optsField   "hugs-options" Hugs
           options            (const id)
 , optsField   "nhc98-options" NHC
           options            (const id)

storeXFieldsBI :: UnrecFieldParser BuildInfo
storeXFieldsBI (f@('x':'-':_),val) bi = Just bi{ customFieldsBI = (f,val):customFieldsBI bi }
storeXFieldsBI _ _ = Nothing


flagFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr Flag]
flagFieldDescrs =
    [ simpleField "description"
        showFreeText     parseFreeText
        flagDescription  (\val fl -> fl{ flagDescription = val })
    , boolField "default"
        flagDefault      (\val fl -> fl{ flagDefault = val })
    , boolField "manual"
        flagManual       (\val fl -> fl{ flagManual = val })


sourceRepoFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr SourceRepo]
sourceRepoFieldDescrs =
    [ simpleField "type"
        (maybe empty disp)         (fmap Just parse)
        repoType                   (\val repo -> repo { repoType = val })
    , simpleField "location"
        (maybe empty showFreeText) (fmap Just parseFreeText)
        repoLocation               (\val repo -> repo { repoLocation = val })
    , simpleField "module"
        (maybe empty showToken)    (fmap Just parseTokenQ)
        repoModule                 (\val repo -> repo { repoModule = val })
    , simpleField "branch"
        (maybe empty showToken)    (fmap Just parseTokenQ)
        repoBranch                 (\val repo -> repo { repoBranch = val })
    , simpleField "tag"
        (maybe empty showToken)    (fmap Just parseTokenQ)
        repoTag                    (\val repo -> repo { repoTag = val })
    , simpleField "subdir"
        (maybe empty showFilePath) (fmap Just parseFilePathQ)
        repoSubdir                 (\val repo -> repo { repoSubdir = val })

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parsing

-- | Given a parser and a filename, return the parse of the file,
-- after checking if the file exists.
readAndParseFile :: (FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a)
                 -> (String -> ParseResult a)
                 -> Verbosity
                 -> FilePath -> IO a
readAndParseFile withFileContents' parser verbosity fpath = do
  exists <- doesFileExist fpath
  unless exists
    (die $ "Error Parsing: file \"" ++ fpath ++ "\" doesn't exist. Cannot continue.")
  withFileContents' fpath $ \str -> case parser str of
    ParseFailed e -> do
        let (line, message) = locatedErrorMsg e
        dieWithLocation fpath line message
    ParseOk warnings x -> do
        mapM_ (warn verbosity . showPWarning fpath) $ reverse warnings
        return x

readHookedBuildInfo :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO HookedBuildInfo
readHookedBuildInfo =
    readAndParseFile withFileContents parseHookedBuildInfo

-- |Parse the given package file.
readPackageDescription :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO GenericPackageDescription
readPackageDescription =
    readAndParseFile withUTF8FileContents parsePackageDescription

stanzas :: [Field] -> [[Field]]
stanzas [] = []
stanzas (f:fields) = (f:this) : stanzas rest
    (this, rest) = break isStanzaHeader fields

isStanzaHeader :: Field -> Bool
isStanzaHeader (F _ f _) = f == "executable"
isStanzaHeader _ = False


mapSimpleFields :: (Field -> ParseResult Field) -> [Field]
                -> ParseResult [Field]
mapSimpleFields f = mapM walk
    walk fld@F{} = f fld
    walk (IfBlock l c fs1 fs2) = do
      fs1' <- mapM walk fs1
      fs2' <- mapM walk fs2
      return (IfBlock l c fs1' fs2')
    walk (Section ln n l fs1) = do
      fs1' <-  mapM walk fs1
      return (Section ln n l fs1')

-- prop_isMapM fs = mapSimpleFields return fs == return fs

-- names of fields that represents dependencies, thus consrca
constraintFieldNames :: [String]
constraintFieldNames = ["build-depends"]

-- Possible refactoring would be to have modifiers be explicit about what
-- they add and define an accessor that specifies what the dependencies
-- are.  This way we would completely reuse the parsing knowledge from the
-- field descriptor.
parseConstraint :: Field -> ParseResult [DependencyWithRenaming]
parseConstraint (F l n v)
    | n == "build-depends" = runP l n (parseCommaList parse) v
parseConstraint f = userBug $ "Constraint was expected (got: " ++ show f ++ ")"

headerFieldNames :: [String]
headerFieldNames = filter (\n -> not (n `elem` constraintFieldNames))
                 . map fieldName $ pkgDescrFieldDescrs

libFieldNames :: [String]
libFieldNames = map fieldName libFieldDescrs
                ++ buildInfoNames ++ constraintFieldNames

-- exeFieldNames :: [String]
-- exeFieldNames = map fieldName executableFieldDescrs
--                 ++ buildInfoNames

buildInfoNames :: [String]
buildInfoNames = map fieldName binfoFieldDescrs
                ++ map fst deprecatedFieldsBuildInfo

-- A minimal implementation of the StateT monad transformer to avoid depending
-- on the 'mtl' package.
newtype StT s m a = StT { runStT :: s -> m (a,s) }

instance Functor f => Functor (StT s f) where
    fmap g (StT f) = StT $ fmap (first g)  . f

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
instance (Monad m) => Applicative (StT s m) where
instance (Monad m, Functor m) => Applicative (StT s m) where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad m => Monad (StT s m) where
    return a = StT (\s -> return (a,s))
    StT f >>= g = StT $ \s -> do
                        (a,s') <- f s
                        runStT (g a) s'

get :: Monad m => StT s m s
get = StT $ \s -> return (s, s)

modify :: Monad m => (s -> s) -> StT s m ()
modify f = StT $ \s -> return ((),f s)

lift :: Monad m => m a -> StT s m a
lift m = StT $ \s -> m >>= \a -> return (a,s)

evalStT :: Monad m => StT s m a -> s -> m a
evalStT st s = liftM fst $ runStT st s

-- Our monad for parsing a list/tree of fields.
-- The state represents the remaining fields to be processed.
type PM a = StT [Field] ParseResult a

-- return look-ahead field or nothing if we're at the end of the file
peekField :: PM (Maybe Field)
peekField = liftM listToMaybe get

-- Unconditionally discard the first field in our state.  Will error when it
-- reaches end of file.  (Yes, that's evil.)
skipField :: PM ()
skipField = modify tail

--FIXME: this should take a ByteString, not a String. We have to be able to
-- decode UTF8 and handle the BOM.

-- | Parses the given file into a 'GenericPackageDescription'.
-- In Cabal 1.2 the syntax for package descriptions was changed to a format
-- with sections and possibly indented property descriptions.
parsePackageDescription :: String -> ParseResult GenericPackageDescription
parsePackageDescription file = do

    -- This function is quite complex because it needs to be able to parse
    -- both pre-Cabal-1.2 and post-Cabal-1.2 files.  Additionally, it contains
    -- a lot of parser-related noise since we do not want to depend on Parsec.
    -- If we detect an pre-1.2 file we implicitly convert it to post-1.2
    -- style.  See 'sectionizeFields' below for details about the conversion.

    fields0 <- readFields file `catchParseError` \err ->
                 let tabs = findIndentTabs file in
                 case err of
                   -- In case of a TabsError report them all at once.
                   TabsError tabLineNo -> reportTabsError
                   -- but only report the ones including and following
                   -- the one that caused the actual error
                                            [ t | t@(lineNo',_) <- tabs
                                                , lineNo' >= tabLineNo ]
                   _ -> parseFail err

    let cabalVersionNeeded =
          head $ [ minVersionBound versionRange
                 | Just versionRange <- [ simpleParse v
                                        | F _ "cabal-version" v <- fields0 ] ]
              ++ [Version [0] []]
        minVersionBound versionRange =
          case asVersionIntervals versionRange of
            []                            -> Version [0] []
            ((LowerBound version _, _):_) -> version

    handleFutureVersionParseFailure cabalVersionNeeded $ do

      let sf = sectionizeFields fields0  -- ensure 1.2 format

        -- figure out and warn about deprecated stuff (warnings are collected
        -- inside our parsing monad)
      fields <- mapSimpleFields deprecField sf

        -- Our parsing monad takes the not-yet-parsed fields as its state.
        -- After each successful parse we remove the field from the state
        -- ('skipField') and move on to the next one.
        -- Things are complicated a bit, because fields take a tree-like
        -- structure -- they can be sections or "if"/"else" conditionals.

      flip evalStT fields $ do

          -- The header consists of all simple fields up to the first section
          -- (flag, library, executable).
        header_fields <- getHeader []

          -- Parses just the header fields and stores them in a
          -- 'PackageDescription'.  Note that our final result is a
          -- 'GenericPackageDescription'; for pragmatic reasons we just store
          -- the partially filled-out 'PackageDescription' inside the
          -- 'GenericPackageDescription'.
        pkg <- lift $ parseFields pkgDescrFieldDescrs

          -- 'getBody' assumes that the remaining fields only consist of
          -- flags, lib and exe sections.
        (repos, flags, mlib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
        warnIfRest  -- warn if getBody did not parse up to the last field.
          -- warn about using old/new syntax with wrong cabal-version:
        maybeWarnCabalVersion (not $ oldSyntax fields0) pkg
        checkForUndefinedFlags flags mlib exes tests
        return $ GenericPackageDescription
                   pkg { sourceRepos = repos }
                   flags mlib exes tests bms

    oldSyntax = all isSimpleField
    reportTabsError tabs =
        syntaxError (fst (head tabs)) $
          "Do not use tabs for indentation (use spaces instead)\n"
          ++ "  Tabs were used at (line,column): " ++ show tabs

    maybeWarnCabalVersion newsyntax pkg
      | newsyntax && specVersion pkg < Version [1,2] []
      = lift $ warning $
             "A package using section syntax must specify at least\n"
          ++ "'cabal-version: >= 1.2'."

    maybeWarnCabalVersion newsyntax pkg
      | not newsyntax && specVersion pkg >= Version [1,2] []
      = lift $ warning $
             "A package using 'cabal-version: "
          ++ displaySpecVersion (specVersionRaw pkg)
          ++ "' must use section syntax. See the Cabal user guide for details."
        displaySpecVersion (Left version)       = display version
        displaySpecVersion (Right versionRange) =
          case asVersionIntervals versionRange of
            [] {- impossible -}           -> display versionRange
            ((LowerBound version _, _):_) -> display (orLaterVersion version)

    maybeWarnCabalVersion _ _ = return ()

    handleFutureVersionParseFailure cabalVersionNeeded parseBody =
      (unless versionOk (warning message) >> parseBody)
        `catchParseError` \parseError -> case parseError of
        TabsError _   -> parseFail parseError
        _ | versionOk -> parseFail parseError
          | otherwise -> fail message
      where versionOk = cabalVersionNeeded <= cabalVersion
            message   = "This package requires at least Cabal version "
                     ++ display cabalVersionNeeded

    -- "Sectionize" an old-style Cabal file.  A sectionized file has:
    --  * all global fields at the beginning, followed by
    --  * all flag declarations, followed by
    --  * an optional library section, and an arbitrary number of executable
    --    sections (in any order).
    -- The current implementation just gathers all library-specific fields
    -- in a library section and wraps all executable stanzas in an executable
    -- section.
    sectionizeFields :: [Field] -> [Field]
    sectionizeFields fs
      | oldSyntax fs =
            -- "build-depends" is a local field now.  To be backwards
            -- compatible, we still allow it as a global field in old-style
            -- package description files and translate it to a local field by
            -- adding it to every non-empty section
            (hdr0, exes0) = break ((=="executable") . fName) fs
            (hdr, libfs0) = partition (not . (`elem` libFieldNames) . fName) hdr0

            (deps, libfs) = partition ((== "build-depends") . fName)

            exes = unfoldr toExe exes0
            toExe [] = Nothing
            toExe (F l e n : r)
              | e == "executable" =
                  let (efs, r') = break ((=="executable") . fName) r
                  in Just (Section l "executable" n (deps ++ efs), r')
            toExe _ = cabalBug "unexpected input to 'toExe'"
            hdr ++
           (if null libfs then []
            else [Section (lineNo (head libfs)) "library" "" (deps ++ libfs)])
            ++ exes
      | otherwise = fs

    isSimpleField F{} = True
    isSimpleField _ = False

    -- warn if there's something at the end of the file
    warnIfRest :: PM ()
    warnIfRest = do
      s <- get
      case s of
        [] -> return ()
        _ -> lift $ warning "Ignoring trailing declarations."  -- add line no.

    -- all simple fields at the beginning of the file are (considered) header
    -- fields
    getHeader :: [Field] -> PM [Field]
    getHeader acc = peekField >>= \mf -> case mf of
        Just f@F{} -> skipField >> getHeader (f:acc)
        _ -> return (reverse acc)

    -- body ::= { repo | flag | library | executable | test }+   -- at most one lib
    -- The body consists of an optional sequence of declarations of flags and
    -- an arbitrary number of executables and at most one library.
    getBody :: PM ([SourceRepo], [Flag]
                  ,Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)
                  ,[(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)]
                  ,[(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)]
                  ,[(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)])
    getBody = peekField >>= \mf -> case mf of
      Just (Section line_no sec_type sec_label sec_fields)
        | sec_type == "executable" -> do
            when (null sec_label) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
              "'executable' needs one argument (the executable's name)"
            exename <- lift $ runP line_no "executable" parseTokenQ sec_label
            flds <- collectFields parseExeFields sec_fields
            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
            return (repos, flags, lib, (exename, flds): exes, tests, bms)

        | sec_type == "test-suite" -> do
            when (null sec_label) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
                "'test-suite' needs one argument (the test suite's name)"
            testname <- lift $ runP line_no "test" parseTokenQ sec_label
            flds <- collectFields (parseTestFields line_no) sec_fields

            -- Check that a valid test suite type has been chosen. A type
            -- field may be given inside a conditional block, so we must
            -- check for that before complaining that a type field has not
            -- been given. The test suite must always have a valid type, so
            -- we need to check both the 'then' and 'else' blocks, though
            -- the blocks need not have the same type.
            let checkTestType ts ct =
                    let ts' = mappend ts $ condTreeData ct
                        -- If a conditional has only a 'then' block and no
                        -- 'else' block, then it cannot have a valid type
                        -- in every branch, unless the type is specified at
                        -- a higher level in the tree.
                        checkComponent (_, _, Nothing) = False
                        -- If a conditional has a 'then' block and an 'else'
                        -- block, both must specify a test type, unless the
                        -- type is specified higher in the tree.
                        checkComponent (_, t, Just e) =
                            checkTestType ts' t && checkTestType ts' e
                        -- Does the current node specify a test type?
                        hasTestType = testInterface ts'
                            /= testInterface emptyTestSuite
                        components = condTreeComponents ct
                    -- If the current level of the tree specifies a type,
                    -- then we are done. If not, then one of the conditional
                    -- branches below the current node must specify a type.
                    -- Each node may have multiple immediate children; we
                    -- only one need one to specify a type because the
                    -- configure step uses 'mappend' to join together the
                    -- results of flag resolution.
                    in hasTestType || any checkComponent components
            if checkTestType emptyTestSuite flds
                then do
                    (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
                    return (repos, flags, lib, exes, (testname, flds) : tests, bms)
                else lift $ syntaxError line_no $
                         "Test suite \"" ++ testname
                      ++ "\" is missing required field \"type\" or the field "
                      ++ "is not present in all conditional branches. The "
                      ++ "available test types are: "
                      ++ intercalate ", " (map display knownTestTypes)

        | sec_type == "benchmark" -> do
            when (null sec_label) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
                "'benchmark' needs one argument (the benchmark's name)"
            benchname <- lift $ runP line_no "benchmark" parseTokenQ sec_label
            flds <- collectFields (parseBenchmarkFields line_no) sec_fields

            -- Check that a valid benchmark type has been chosen. A type
            -- field may be given inside a conditional block, so we must
            -- check for that before complaining that a type field has not
            -- been given. The benchmark must always have a valid type, so
            -- we need to check both the 'then' and 'else' blocks, though
            -- the blocks need not have the same type.
            let checkBenchmarkType ts ct =
                    let ts' = mappend ts $ condTreeData ct
                        -- If a conditional has only a 'then' block and no
                        -- 'else' block, then it cannot have a valid type
                        -- in every branch, unless the type is specified at
                        -- a higher level in the tree.
                        checkComponent (_, _, Nothing) = False
                        -- If a conditional has a 'then' block and an 'else'
                        -- block, both must specify a benchmark type, unless the
                        -- type is specified higher in the tree.
                        checkComponent (_, t, Just e) =
                            checkBenchmarkType ts' t && checkBenchmarkType ts' e
                        -- Does the current node specify a benchmark type?
                        hasBenchmarkType = benchmarkInterface ts'
                            /= benchmarkInterface emptyBenchmark
                        components = condTreeComponents ct
                    -- If the current level of the tree specifies a type,
                    -- then we are done. If not, then one of the conditional
                    -- branches below the current node must specify a type.
                    -- Each node may have multiple immediate children; we
                    -- only one need one to specify a type because the
                    -- configure step uses 'mappend' to join together the
                    -- results of flag resolution.
                    in hasBenchmarkType || any checkComponent components
            if checkBenchmarkType emptyBenchmark flds
                then do
                    (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
                    return (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, (benchname, flds) : bms)
                else lift $ syntaxError line_no $
                         "Benchmark \"" ++ benchname
                      ++ "\" is missing required field \"type\" or the field "
                      ++ "is not present in all conditional branches. The "
                      ++ "available benchmark types are: "
                      ++ intercalate ", " (map display knownBenchmarkTypes)

        | sec_type == "library" -> do
            unless (null sec_label) $ lift $
              syntaxError line_no "'library' expects no argument"
            flds <- collectFields parseLibFields sec_fields
            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
            when (isJust lib) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
              "There can only be one library section in a package description."
            return (repos, flags, Just flds, exes, tests, bms)

        | sec_type == "flag" -> do
            when (null sec_label) $ lift $
              syntaxError line_no "'flag' needs one argument (the flag's name)"
            flag <- lift $ parseFields
                    (MkFlag (FlagName (lowercase sec_label)) "" True False)
            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
            return (repos, flag:flags, lib, exes, tests, bms)

        | sec_type == "source-repository" -> do
            when (null sec_label) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no $
                 "'source-repository' needs one argument, "
              ++ "the repo kind which is usually 'head' or 'this'"
            kind <- case simpleParse sec_label of
              Just kind -> return kind
              Nothing   -> lift $ syntaxError line_no $
                             "could not parse repo kind: " ++ sec_label
            repo <- lift $ parseFields
                    SourceRepo {
                      repoKind     = kind,
                      repoType     = Nothing,
                      repoLocation = Nothing,
                      repoModule   = Nothing,
                      repoBranch   = Nothing,
                      repoTag      = Nothing,
                      repoSubdir   = Nothing
            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
            return (repo:repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms)

        | otherwise -> do
            lift $ warning $ "Ignoring unknown section type: " ++ sec_type
      Just f@(F {}) -> do
            _ <- lift $ syntaxError (lineNo f) $
              "Plain fields are not allowed in between stanzas: " ++ show f
      Just f@(IfBlock {}) -> do
            _ <- lift $ syntaxError (lineNo f) $
              "If-blocks are not allowed in between stanzas: " ++ show f
      Nothing -> return ([], [], Nothing, [], [], [])

    -- Extracts all fields in a block and returns a 'CondTree'.
    -- We have to recurse down into conditionals and we treat fields that
    -- describe dependencies specially.
    collectFields :: ([Field] -> PM a) -> [Field]
                  -> PM (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a)
    collectFields parser allflds = do

        let simplFlds = [ F l n v | F l n v <- allflds ]
            condFlds = [ f | f@IfBlock{} <- allflds ]
            sections = [ s | s@Section{} <- allflds ]

        -- Put these through the normal parsing pass too, so that we
        -- collect the ModRenamings
        let depFlds = filter isConstraint simplFlds
            (\(Section l n _ _) -> lift . warning $
                "Unexpected section '" ++ n ++ "' on line " ++ show l)

        a <- parser simplFlds
        deps <- liftM concat . mapM (lift . fmap (map dependency) .  parseConstraint) $ depFlds

        ifs <- mapM processIfs condFlds

        return (CondNode a deps ifs)
        isConstraint (F _ n _) = n `elem` constraintFieldNames
        isConstraint _ = False

        processIfs (IfBlock l c t e) = do
            cnd <- lift $ runP l "if" parseCondition c
            t' <- collectFields parser t
            e' <- case e of
                   [] -> return Nothing
                   es -> do fs <- collectFields parser es
                            return (Just fs)
            return (cnd, t', e')
        processIfs _ = cabalBug "processIfs called with wrong field type"

    parseLibFields :: [Field] -> PM Library
    parseLibFields = lift . parseFields libFieldDescrs storeXFieldsLib emptyLibrary

    -- Note: we don't parse the "executable" field here, hence the tail hack.
    parseExeFields :: [Field] -> PM Executable
    parseExeFields = lift . parseFields (tail executableFieldDescrs)
                                        storeXFieldsExe emptyExecutable

    parseTestFields :: LineNo -> [Field] -> PM TestSuite
    parseTestFields line fields = do
        x <- lift $ parseFields testSuiteFieldDescrs storeXFieldsTest
                                emptyTestStanza fields
        lift $ validateTestSuite line x

    parseBenchmarkFields :: LineNo -> [Field] -> PM Benchmark
    parseBenchmarkFields line fields = do
        x <- lift $ parseFields benchmarkFieldDescrs storeXFieldsBenchmark
                                emptyBenchmarkStanza fields
        lift $ validateBenchmark line x

    checkForUndefinedFlags ::
        [Flag] ->
        Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library) ->
        [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)] ->
        [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)] ->
        PM ()
    checkForUndefinedFlags flags mlib exes tests = do
        let definedFlags = map flagName flags
        maybe (return ()) (checkCondTreeFlags definedFlags) mlib
        mapM_ (checkCondTreeFlags definedFlags . snd) exes
        mapM_ (checkCondTreeFlags definedFlags . snd) tests

    checkCondTreeFlags :: [FlagName] -> CondTree ConfVar c a -> PM ()
    checkCondTreeFlags definedFlags ct = do
        let fv = nub $ freeVars ct
        unless (all (`elem` definedFlags) fv) $
            fail $ "These flags are used without having been defined: "
                ++ intercalate ", " [ n | FlagName n <- fv \\ definedFlags ]

-- | Parse a list of fields, given a list of field descriptions,
--   a structure to accumulate the parsed fields, and a function
--   that can decide what to do with fields which don't match any
--   of the field descriptions.
parseFields :: [FieldDescr a]      -- ^ descriptions of fields we know how to
                                   --   parse
            -> UnrecFieldParser a  -- ^ possibly do something with
                                   --   unrecognized fields
            -> a                   -- ^ accumulator
            -> [Field]             -- ^ fields to be parsed
            -> ParseResult a
parseFields descrs unrec ini fields =
    do (a, unknowns) <- foldM (parseField descrs unrec) (ini, []) fields
       unless (null unknowns) $ warning $ render $
         text "Unknown fields:" <+>
              commaSep (map (\(l,u) -> u ++ " (line " ++ show l ++ ")")
                            (reverse unknowns))
         text "Fields allowed in this section:" $$
           nest 4 (commaSep $ map fieldName descrs)
       return a
    commaSep = fsep . punctuate comma . map text

parseField :: [FieldDescr a]     -- ^ list of parseable fields
           -> UnrecFieldParser a -- ^ possibly do something with
                                 --   unrecognized fields
           -> (a,[(Int,String)]) -- ^ accumulated result and warnings
           -> Field              -- ^ the field to be parsed
           -> ParseResult (a, [(Int,String)])
parseField (FieldDescr name _ parser : fields) unrec (a, us) (F line f val)
  | name == f = parser line val a >>= \a' -> return (a',us)
  | otherwise = parseField fields unrec (a,us) (F line f val)
parseField [] unrec (a,us) (F l f val) = return $
  case unrec (f,val) a of        -- no fields matched, see if the 'unrec'
    Just a' -> (a',us)           -- function wants to do anything with it
    Nothing -> (a, (l,f):us)
parseField _ _ _ _ = cabalBug "'parseField' called on a non-field"

deprecatedFields :: [(String,String)]
deprecatedFields =
    deprecatedFieldsPkgDescr ++ deprecatedFieldsBuildInfo

deprecatedFieldsPkgDescr :: [(String,String)]
deprecatedFieldsPkgDescr = [ ("other-files", "extra-source-files") ]

deprecatedFieldsBuildInfo :: [(String,String)]
deprecatedFieldsBuildInfo = [ ("hs-source-dir","hs-source-dirs") ]

-- Handle deprecated fields
deprecField :: Field -> ParseResult Field
deprecField (F line fld val) = do
  fld' <- case lookup fld deprecatedFields of
            Nothing -> return fld
            Just newName -> do
              warning $ "The field \"" ++ fld
                      ++ "\" is deprecated, please use \"" ++ newName ++ "\""
              return newName
  return (F line fld' val)
deprecField _ = cabalBug "'deprecField' called on a non-field"

parseHookedBuildInfo :: String -> ParseResult HookedBuildInfo
parseHookedBuildInfo inp = do
  fields <- readFields inp
  let ss@(mLibFields:exes) = stanzas fields
  mLib <- parseLib mLibFields
  biExes <- mapM parseExe (maybe ss (const exes) mLib)
  return (mLib, biExes)
    parseLib :: [Field] -> ParseResult (Maybe BuildInfo)
    parseLib (bi@(F _ inFieldName _:_))
        | lowercase inFieldName /= "executable" = liftM Just (parseBI bi)
    parseLib _ = return Nothing

    parseExe :: [Field] -> ParseResult (String, BuildInfo)
    parseExe (F line inFieldName mName:bi)
        | lowercase inFieldName == "executable"
            = do bis <- parseBI bi
                 return (mName, bis)
        | otherwise = syntaxError line "expecting 'executable' at top of stanza"
    parseExe (_:_) = cabalBug "`parseExe' called on a non-field"
    parseExe [] = syntaxError 0 "error in parsing buildinfo file. Expected executable stanza"

    parseBI st = parseFields binfoFieldDescrs storeXFieldsBI emptyBuildInfo st

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pretty printing

writePackageDescription :: FilePath -> PackageDescription -> IO ()
writePackageDescription fpath pkg = writeUTF8File fpath (showPackageDescription pkg)

--TODO: make this use section syntax
-- add equivalent for GenericPackageDescription
showPackageDescription :: PackageDescription -> String
showPackageDescription pkg = render $
     ppPackage pkg
  $$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsPD pkg)
  $$ (case library pkg of
        Nothing  -> empty
        Just lib -> ppLibrary lib)
  $$ vcat [ space $$ ppExecutable exe | exe <- executables pkg ]
    ppPackage    = ppFields pkgDescrFieldDescrs
    ppLibrary    = ppFields libFieldDescrs
    ppExecutable = ppFields executableFieldDescrs

ppCustomFields :: [(String,String)] -> Doc
ppCustomFields flds = vcat (map ppCustomField flds)

ppCustomField :: (String,String) -> Doc
ppCustomField (name,val) = text name <> colon <+> showFreeText val

writeHookedBuildInfo :: FilePath -> HookedBuildInfo -> IO ()
writeHookedBuildInfo fpath = writeFileAtomic fpath . BS.Char8.pack
                             . showHookedBuildInfo

showHookedBuildInfo :: HookedBuildInfo -> String
showHookedBuildInfo (mb_lib_bi, ex_bis) = render $
     (case mb_lib_bi of
        Nothing -> empty
        Just bi -> ppBuildInfo bi)
  $$ vcat [    space
            $$ text "executable:" <+> text name
            $$ ppBuildInfo bi
          | (name, bi) <- ex_bis ]
    ppBuildInfo bi = ppFields binfoFieldDescrs bi
                  $$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI bi)

-- replace all tabs used as indentation with whitespace, also return where
-- tabs were found
findIndentTabs :: String -> [(Int,Int)]
findIndentTabs = concatMap checkLine
               . zip [1..]
               . lines
      checkLine (lineno, l) =
          let (indent, _content) = span isSpace l
              tabCols = map fst . filter ((== '\t') . snd) . zip [0..]
              addLineNo = map (\col -> (lineno,col))
          in addLineNo (tabCols indent)

--test_findIndentTabs = findIndentTabs $ unlines $
--    [ "foo", "  bar", " \t baz", "\t  biz\t", "\t\t \t mib" ]

-- | Dependencies plus module renamings.  This is what users specify; however,
-- renaming information is not used for dependency resolution.
data DependencyWithRenaming = DependencyWithRenaming Dependency ModuleRenaming
  deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Typeable, Data)

dependency :: DependencyWithRenaming -> Dependency
dependency (DependencyWithRenaming dep _) = dep

instance Text DependencyWithRenaming where
  disp (DependencyWithRenaming d rns) = disp d <+> disp rns
  parse = do d <- parse
             rns <- parse
             return (DependencyWithRenaming d rns)

buildDependsWithRenaming :: BuildInfo -> [DependencyWithRenaming]
buildDependsWithRenaming pkg =
    map (\dep@(Dependency n _) ->
            DependencyWithRenaming dep
                (Map.findWithDefault defaultRenaming n (targetBuildRenaming pkg)))
        (targetBuildDepends pkg)

setBuildDependsWithRenaming :: [DependencyWithRenaming] -> BuildInfo -> BuildInfo
setBuildDependsWithRenaming deps pkg = pkg {
    targetBuildDepends = map dependency deps,
    targetBuildRenaming = Map.fromList (map (\(DependencyWithRenaming (Dependency n _) rns) -> (n, rns)) deps)