module Generics.BiGUL.Error where
import GHC.InOut
import Text.PrettyPrint
class PrettyPrintable a where
toDoc :: a -> Doc
data PutError :: * -> * -> * where
PFail :: String -> PutError s v
PSourcePatternMismatch :: PatExprDirError s -> PutError s v
PViewPatternMismatch :: PatExprDirError v -> PutError s v
PUnevalFailed :: PatExprDirError s' -> PutError s v
PDependencyMismatch :: s -> PutError s (v, v')
PNoIntermediateSource :: GetError s v' -> PutError s v
PCaseExhausted :: PutError s v
PAdaptiveBranchRevisited :: PutError s v
PAdaptiveBranchMatched :: PutError s v
PPreviousBranchMatched :: PutError s v
PBranchPredictionIncorrect :: PutError s v
PPostVerificationFailed :: PutError s v
PBranchUnmatched :: PutError s v
PProdLeft :: s -> v -> PutError s v -> PutError (s, s') (v, v')
PProdRight :: s' -> v' -> PutError s' v' -> PutError (s, s') (v, v')
PRearrS :: s' -> v -> PutError s' v -> PutError s v
PRearrV :: s -> v' -> PutError s v' -> PutError s v
PDep :: s -> v -> PutError s v -> PutError s (v, v')
PComposeLeft :: a -> b -> PutError a b -> PutError a c
PComposeRight :: b -> c -> PutError b c -> PutError a c
PBranch :: Int -> PutError s v -> PutError s v
incrBranchNo :: PutError s v -> PutError s v
incrBranchNo (PBranch i e) = PBranch (i+1) e
incrBranchNo e = e
instance Show (PutError s v) where
show (PFail str) = "fail: " ++ str
show (PSourcePatternMismatch e) = show e
show (PViewPatternMismatch e) = show e
show (PUnevalFailed e) = show e
show (PDependencyMismatch _) = "dependency mismatch"
show (PNoIntermediateSource e) = show e
show PCaseExhausted = "case exhausted"
show PAdaptiveBranchRevisited = "adaptive branch revisited"
show PAdaptiveBranchMatched = "adaptive branch matched"
show PPreviousBranchMatched = "previous branch matched"
show PBranchPredictionIncorrect = "branch prediction incorrect"
show PPostVerificationFailed = "post-verification failed"
show PBranchUnmatched = "branch unmatched"
show (PProdLeft _ _ e) = show e
show (PProdRight _ _ e) = show e
show (PRearrS _ _ e) = show e
show (PRearrV _ _ e) = show e
show (PDep _ _ e) = show e
show (PComposeLeft _ _ e) = show e
show (PComposeRight _ _ e) = show e
show (PBranch _ e) = show e
indent :: Doc -> Doc
indent = nest 2
instance PrettyPrintable (PutError s v) where
toDoc e@(PFail str) = text (show e)
toDoc (PSourcePatternMismatch e) = text "source pattern mismatch" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc (PViewPatternMismatch e) = text "view pattern mismatch" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc (PUnevalFailed e) = text "inverse evaluation failed" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc e@(PDependencyMismatch _) = text (show e)
toDoc (PNoIntermediateSource e) = text "computation of intermediate source failed" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc e@PCaseExhausted = text (show e)
toDoc e@PAdaptiveBranchRevisited = text (show e)
toDoc e@PAdaptiveBranchMatched = text (show e)
toDoc e@PPreviousBranchMatched = text (show e)
toDoc e@PBranchPredictionIncorrect = text (show e)
toDoc e@PPostVerificationFailed = text (show e)
toDoc e@PBranchUnmatched = text (show e)
toDoc (PProdLeft _ _ e) = text "on the left-hand side of Prod" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PProdRight _ _ e) = text "on the right-hand side of Prod" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PRearrS _ _ e) = text "in RearrS" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PRearrV _ _ e) = text "in RearrV" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PDep _ _ e) = text "in Dep" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PComposeLeft _ _ e) = text "on the left-hand side of Comp" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PComposeRight _ _ e) = text "on the right-hand side of Comp" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PBranch i e) = text ("in Case branch " ++ show i) $+$ toDoc e
data GetError :: * -> * -> * where
GFail :: String -> GetError s v
GSourcePatternMismatch :: PatExprDirError s -> GetError s v
GUnevalFailed :: PatExprDirError s' -> GetError s v
GViewRecoveringIncomplete :: PatExprDirError v' -> GetError s v
GCaseExhausted :: [GetError s v] -> GetError s v
GPreviousBranchMatched :: GetError s v
GPostVerificationFailed :: GetError s v
GBranchUnmatched :: GetError s v
GAdaptiveBranchMatched :: GetError s v
GProdLeft :: s -> GetError s v -> GetError (s, s') (v, v')
GProdRight :: s' -> GetError s' v' -> GetError (s, s') (v, v')
GRearrS :: s' -> GetError s' v -> GetError s v
GRearrV :: s -> GetError s v' -> GetError s v
GDep :: s -> GetError s v -> GetError s (v, v')
GComposeLeft :: a -> GetError a b -> GetError a c
GComposeRight :: b -> GetError b c -> GetError a c
GBranch :: Int -> GetError s v -> GetError s v
addCurrentBranchError :: GetError s v -> GetError s v -> GetError s v
addCurrentBranchError e0 (GCaseExhausted es) = GCaseExhausted (e0:es)
addCurrentBranchError e0 (GBranch i e) = GBranch (i+1) e
instance Show (GetError s v) where
show (GFail str) = "fail: " ++ str
show (GSourcePatternMismatch e) = show e
show (GUnevalFailed e) = show e
show (GViewRecoveringIncomplete e) = show e
show (GCaseExhausted _) = "case exhausted"
show GPreviousBranchMatched = "previous branch matched"
show GPostVerificationFailed = "post-verification failed"
show GBranchUnmatched = "branch unmatched"
show GAdaptiveBranchMatched = "adaptive branch matched"
show (GProdLeft _ e) = show e
show (GProdRight _ e) = show e
show (GRearrS _ e) = show e
show (GRearrV _ e) = show e
show (GDep _ e) = show e
show (GComposeLeft _ e) = show e
show (GComposeRight _ e) = show e
show (GBranch _ e) = show e
instance PrettyPrintable (GetError s v) where
toDoc e@(GFail str) = text (show e)
toDoc (GSourcePatternMismatch e) = text "source pattern mismatch" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc (GUnevalFailed e) = text "inverse evaluation failed" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc (GViewRecoveringIncomplete e) = text "view recovering incomplete" $+$ indent (toDoc e)
toDoc e@(GCaseExhausted es) = text (show e) $+$
foldr ($+$) empty
(zipWith (\i doc -> text ("branch " ++ show i) $+$ indent doc)
(map toDoc es))
toDoc e@GPreviousBranchMatched = text (show e)
toDoc e@GPostVerificationFailed = text (show e)
toDoc e@GBranchUnmatched = text (show e)
toDoc e@GAdaptiveBranchMatched = text (show e)
toDoc (GProdLeft _ e) = text "on the left-hand side of Prod" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GProdRight _ e) = text "on the right-hand side of Prod" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GRearrS _ e) = text "in RearrS" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GRearrV _ e) = text "in RearrV" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GDep _ e) = text "in Dep" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GComposeLeft _ e) = text "on the left-hand side of Comp" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GComposeRight _ e) = text "on the right-hand side of Comp" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (GBranch i e) = text ("in Case branch " ++ show i) $+$ toDoc e
data PatExprDirError :: * -> * where
PEDConstantMismatch :: PatExprDirError a
PEDEitherMismatch :: PatExprDirError (Either a b)
PEDValueUnrecoverable :: PatExprDirError a
PEDIncompatibleUpdates :: a -> a -> PatExprDirError a
PEDMultipleUpdates :: a -> a -> PatExprDirError a
PEDProdLeft :: PatExprDirError a -> PatExprDirError (a, b)
PEDProdRight :: PatExprDirError b -> PatExprDirError (a, b)
PEDEitherLeft :: PatExprDirError a -> PatExprDirError (Either a b)
PEDEitherRight :: PatExprDirError b -> PatExprDirError (Either a b)
PEDIn :: InOut a => PatExprDirError (F a) -> PatExprDirError a
instance Show (PatExprDirError a) where
show PEDConstantMismatch = "constant mismatch"
show PEDEitherMismatch = "either value mismatch"
show PEDValueUnrecoverable = "value unrecoverable"
show (PEDIncompatibleUpdates _ _) = "incompatible updates"
show (PEDMultipleUpdates _ _) = "multiple updates"
show (PEDProdLeft e) = show e
show (PEDProdRight e) = show e
show (PEDEitherLeft e) = show e
show (PEDEitherRight e) = show e
show (PEDIn e) = show e
instance PrettyPrintable (PatExprDirError a) where
toDoc e@PEDConstantMismatch = text (show e)
toDoc e@PEDEitherMismatch = text (show e)
toDoc e@PEDValueUnrecoverable = text (show e)
toDoc e@(PEDIncompatibleUpdates _ _) = text (show e)
toDoc e@(PEDMultipleUpdates _ _) = text (show e)
toDoc (PEDProdLeft e) = text "on the left-hand side of PProd" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PEDProdRight e) = text "on the right-hand side of PProd" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PEDEitherLeft e) = text "inside PLeft" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PEDEitherRight e) = text "inside PRight" $+$ toDoc e
toDoc (PEDIn e) = text "inside PIn" $+$ toDoc e
liftE :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
liftE f = either (Left . f) Right