{- BNF Converter: C++ Skeleton generation Copyright (C) 2004 Author: Michael Pellauer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- ************************************************************** BNF Converter Module Description : This module generates the C++ Skeleton functions. The generated files use the Visitor design pattern. Author : Michael Pellauer (pellauer@cs.chalmers.se) License : GPL (GNU General Public License) Created : 9 August, 2003 Modified : 29 August, 2006 Aarne Ranta ************************************************************** -} module CFtoCVisitSkelSTL (cf2CVisitSkel) where import CF import Utils ((+++), (++++)) import NamedVariables import List import Char(toLower, toUpper) import OOAbstract import STLUtils --Produces (.H file, .C file) cf2CVisitSkel :: Maybe String -> CF -> (String, String) cf2CVisitSkel inPackage cf = (mkHFile inPackage cab, mkCFile inPackage cab) where cab = cf2cabs cf -- **** Header (.H) File Functions **** --Generates the Header File mkHFile :: Maybe String -> CAbs -> String mkHFile inPackage cf = unlines [ "#ifndef " ++ hdef, "#define " ++ hdef, "/* You might want to change the above name. */", "", "#include \"Absyn.H\"", "", nsStart inPackage, "class Skeleton : public Visitor", "{", "public:", unlines [" void visit" ++ b ++ "(" ++ b ++ "* p);" | b <- classes, notElem b (defineds cf)], unlines [" void visit" ++ b ++ "(" ++ b ++ " x);" | b <- basics], "};", nsEnd inPackage, "", "#endif" ] where hdef = nsDefine inPackage "SKELETON_HEADER" classes = allClasses cf basics = tokentypes cf ++ map fst basetypes -- **** Implementation (.C) File Functions **** --Makes the .C File mkCFile :: Maybe String -> CAbs -> String mkCFile inPackage cf = unlines [ headerC, nsStart inPackage, unlines [ "void Skeleton::visit" ++ t ++ "(" ++ t ++ "* t) {} //abstract class" | t <- absclasses cf], unlines [prCon r | (_,rs) <- signatures cf, r <- rs], unlines [prList cb | cb <- listtypes cf], unlines [prBasic b | b <- tokentypes cf ++ map fst basetypes], nsEnd inPackage ] headerC = unlines [ "/*** BNFC-Generated Visitor Design Pattern Skeleton. ***/", "/* This implements the common visitor design pattern.", " Note that this method uses Visitor-traversal of lists, so", " List->accept() does NOT traverse the list. This allows different", " algorithms to use context information differently. */", "", "#include \"Skeleton.H\"", "" ] prBasic c = unlines [ "void Skeleton::visit" ++ c ++ "(" ++ c ++ " x)", "{", " /* Code for " ++ c ++ " Goes Here */", "}" ] prList (cl,b) = unlines [ "void Skeleton::visit" ++ cl ++ "("++ cl ++ "*" +++ vname ++ ")", "{", " for ("++ cl ++"::iterator i = " ++ vname++"->begin() ; i != " ++vname ++"->end() ; ++i)", " {", if b then " (*i)->accept(this);" else " visit" ++ drop 4 cl ++ "(*i) ;", " }", "}" ] where vname = map toLower cl prCon fcs@(f,cs) = unlines [ "void Skeleton::visit" ++ f ++ "(" ++ f ++ " *" ++ v ++ ")", "{", " /* Code For " ++ f ++ " Goes Here */", "", unlines [" " ++ visitArg c | c <- cs], "}" ] where v = map toLower f visitArg (cat,isPt,var) = if isPt then (v ++ "->" ++ var ++ "->accept(this);") else ("visit" ++ cat ++ "(" ++ v ++ "->" ++ var ++ ");")