{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Compiler where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List as L
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as S
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension as HS
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser as HS
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as HS
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath hiding (normalise)

import Agda.Compiler.CallCompiler
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Misc
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pretty
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Primitives
import Agda.Interaction.FindFile
import Agda.Interaction.Imports
import Agda.Interaction.Options
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as CN
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Level (reallyUnLevelView)
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

compilerMain :: Bool -> Interface -> TCM ()
compilerMain modIsMain mainI =
  -- Preserve the state (the compiler modifies the state).
  -- Andreas, 2014-03-23 But we might want to collect Benchmark info,
  -- so use localTCState.
  localTCState $ do

    -- Compute the output directory.
    opts <- commandLineOptions
    compileDir <- case optCompileDir opts of
      Just dir -> return dir
      Nothing  -> do
        -- The default output directory is the project root.
        let tm = toTopLevelModuleName $ iModuleName mainI
        f <- findFile tm
        return $ filePath $ CN.projectRoot f tm
    setCommandLineOptions $
      opts { optCompileDir = Just compileDir }

    ignoreAbstractMode $ do
      mapM_ (compile . miInterface) =<< (M.elems <$> getVisitedModules)
      writeModule rteModule
      callGHC modIsMain mainI

compile :: Interface -> TCM ()
compile i = do
  setInterface i
  ifM uptodate noComp $ (yesComp >>) $ do
    writeModule =<< decl <$> curHsMod <*> (definitions =<< curDefs) <*> imports
  decl mn ds imp = HS.Module dummy mn [] Nothing Nothing imp ds
  uptodate = liftIO =<< (isNewerThan <$> outFile_ <*> ifile)
  ifile    = maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ filePath <$>
               (findInterfaceFile . toTopLevelModuleName =<< curMName)
  noComp   = reportSLn "" 1 . (++ " : no compilation is needed.").show =<< curMName
  yesComp  = reportSLn "" 1 . (`repl` "Compiling <<0>> in <<1>> to <<2>>") =<<
             sequence [show <$> curMName, ifile, outFile_] :: TCM ()

-- imported modules
--   I use stImportedModules in a non-standard way,
--   accumulating in it what are acutally used in Misc.xqual

imports :: TCM [HS.ImportDecl]
imports = (++) <$> hsImps <*> imps where
  hsImps = (L.map decl . S.toList .
            S.insert mazRTE . S.map HS.ModuleName) <$>
  imps   = L.map decl . uniq <$>
             ((++) <$> importsForPrim <*> (L.map mazMod <$> mnames))
  decl m = HS.ImportDecl dummy m True False Nothing Nothing Nothing
  mnames = (++) <$> (S.elems <$> gets stImportedModules)
                <*> (L.map fst . iImportedModules <$> curIF)
  uniq   = L.map head . group . L.sort

-- Main compiling clauses

definitions :: Definitions -> TCM [HS.Decl]
definitions defs = do
  kit <- coinductionKit
  HMap.foldr (liftM2 (++) . (definition kit <=< instantiateFull))
             declsForPrim defs

-- | Note that the INFINITY, SHARP and FLAT builtins are translated as
-- follows (if a 'CoinductionKit' is given):
-- @
--   type Infinity a b = b
--   sharp :: a -> a
--   sharp x = x
--   flat :: a -> a
--   flat x = x
-- @

definition :: Maybe CoinductionKit -> Definition -> TCM [HS.Decl]
-- ignore irrelevant definitions
{- Andreas, 2012-10-02: Invariant no longer holds
definition kit (Defn Forced    _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
definition kit (Defn UnusedArg _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
definition kit (Defn NonStrict _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
definition kit (Defn info      q _ _ _ _ _ _ _) | isIrrelevant info = do
  reportSDoc "malonzo.definition" 10 $
    text "Not compiling" <+> prettyTCM q <> text "."
  return []
definition kit (Defn _         q ty _ _ _ _ compiled d) = do
  reportSDoc "malonzo.definition" 10 $ vcat
    [ text "Compiling" <+> prettyTCM q <> text ":"
    , nest 2 $ text (show d)
  checkTypeOfMain q ty $ do
  (infodecl q :) <$> case d of

    _ | Just (HsDefn ty hs) <- compiledHaskell compiled ->
      return $ fbWithType ty (fakeExp hs)

    -- Special treatment of coinductive builtins.
    Datatype{} | Just q == (nameOfInf <$> kit) -> do
      let infT = unqhname "T" q
          infV = unqhname "d" q
          a    = ihname "a" 0
          b    = ihname "a" 1
          vars = [a, b]
      return [ HS.TypeDecl dummy infT
                           (L.map HS.UnkindedVar vars)
                           (HS.TyVar b)
             , HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy infV
                                    (L.map HS.PVar vars) Nothing
                                    (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con)
                                    (HS.BDecls [])]
    Constructor{} | Just q == (nameOfSharp <$> kit) -> do
      let sharp = unqhname "d" q
          x     = ihname "x" 0
      return $
        [ HS.TypeSig dummy [sharp] $ fakeType $
            "forall a. a -> a"
        , HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy sharp
                               [HS.PVar x]
                               (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.Var (HS.UnQual x)))
                               (HS.BDecls [])]
    Function{} | Just q == (nameOfFlat <$> kit) -> do
      let flat = unqhname "d" q
          x    = ihname "x" 0
      return $
        [ HS.TypeSig dummy [flat] $ fakeType $
            "forall a. a -> a"
        , HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy flat
                               [HS.PVar x]
                               (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.Var (HS.UnQual x)))
                               (HS.BDecls [])]

    Axiom{} -> return $ fb axiomErr
    Primitive{ primClauses = [], primName = s } -> fb <$> primBody s
    Primitive{ primClauses = cls } -> function cls Nothing
    Function{ funClauses =   cls } -> function cls (exportHaskell compiled)
    Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni, dataClause = cl, dataCons = cs }
      | Just (HsType ty) <- compiledHaskell compiled -> do
      ccs <- concat <$> mapM checkConstructorType cs
      cov <- checkCover q ty np cs
      return $ tvaldecl q (dataInduction d) 0 (np + ni) [] (Just __IMPOSSIBLE__) ++ ccs ++ cov
    Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni, dataClause = cl, dataCons = cs } -> do
      (ars, cds) <- unzip <$> mapM condecl cs
      return $ tvaldecl q (dataInduction d) (maximum (np:ars) - np) (np + ni) cds cl
    Constructor{} -> return []
    Record{ recClause = cl, recConHead = con, recFields = flds } -> do
      let c = conName con
      let noFields = genericLength flds
      let ar = arity ty
      cd <- snd <$> condecl c
--       cd <- case c of
--         Nothing -> return $ cdecl q noFields
--         Just c  -> snd <$> condecl c
      return $ tvaldecl q Inductive noFields ar [cd] cl
  function cls (Just (HsExport t name)) =
    (HS.TypeSig dummy [HS.Ident name] (fakeType t) :) <$>
    mkwhere <$> mapM (clause q (Just name)) (tag 0 cls)
  function cls Nothing = mkwhere <$> mapM (clause q Nothing) (tag 0 cls)
  tag _ []       = []
  tag i [cl]     = (i, True , cl): []
  tag i (cl:cls) = (i, False, cl): tag (i + 1) cls
  mkwhere (HS.FunBind [m0, HS.Match _     dn ps mt rhs (HS.BDecls [])] :
           fbs@(_:_)) =
          [HS.FunBind [m0, HS.Match dummy dn ps mt rhs (HS.BDecls fbs)]]
  mkwhere fbs = fbs
  fbWithType ty e =
    [ HS.TypeSig dummy [unqhname "d" q] $ fakeType ty ] ++ fb e
  fb e  = [HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy (unqhname "d" q) [] Nothing
                                (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ e) (HS.BDecls [])]]
  axiomErr = rtmError $ "postulate evaluated: " ++ show q

checkConstructorType :: QName -> TCM [HS.Decl]
checkConstructorType q = do
  Just (HsDefn ty hs) <- compiledHaskell . defCompiledRep <$> getConstInfo q
  return [ HS.TypeSig dummy [unqhname "check" q] $ fakeType ty
         , HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy (unqhname "check" q) [] Nothing
                                (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ fakeExp hs) (HS.BDecls [])]

checkCover :: QName -> HaskellType -> Nat -> [QName] -> TCM [HS.Decl]
checkCover q ty n cs = do
  let tvs = [ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..n] ]
      makeClause c = do
        (a, _) <- conArityAndPars c
        Just (HsDefn _ hsc) <- compiledHaskell . defCompiledRep <$> getConstInfo c
        let pat = HS.PApp (HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident hsc) $ genericReplicate a HS.PWildCard
        return $ HS.Alt dummy pat (HS.UnGuardedAlt $ HS.unit_con) (HS.BDecls [])
  cs <- mapM makeClause cs
  let rhs = case cs of
              [] -> fakeExp "()" -- There is no empty case statement in Haskell
              _  -> HS.Case (HS.Var $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident "x") cs

  return [ HS.TypeSig dummy [unqhname "cover" q] $ fakeType $ unwords (ty : tvs) ++ " -> ()"
         , HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy (unqhname "cover" q) [HS.PVar $ HS.Ident "x"]
                                Nothing (HS.UnGuardedRhs rhs) (HS.BDecls [])]

-- | Move somewhere else!
conArityAndPars :: QName -> TCM (Nat, Nat)
conArityAndPars q = do
  def <- getConstInfo q
  TelV tel _ <- telView $ defType def
  let Constructor{ conPars = np } = theDef def
      n = genericLength (telToList tel)
  return (n - np, np)

clause :: QName -> Maybe String -> (Nat, Bool, Clause) -> TCM HS.Decl
clause q maybeName (i, isLast, Clause{ namedClausePats = ps, clauseBody = b }) =
  HS.FunBind . (: cont) <$> main where
  main = match <$> argpatts ps (bvars b (0::Nat)) <*> clausebody b
  cont | isLast && any isCon ps = [match (L.map HS.PVar cvs) failrhs]
       | isLast                 = []
       | otherwise              = [match (L.map HS.PVar cvs) crhs]
  cvs  = L.map (ihname "v") [0 .. genericLength ps - 1]
  crhs = hsCast$ L.foldl HS.App (hsVarUQ $ dsubname q (i + 1)) (L.map hsVarUQ cvs)
  failrhs = rtmIncompleteMatch q  -- Andreas, 2011-11-16 call to RTE instead of inlined error
--  failrhs = rtmError $ "incomplete pattern matching: " ++ show q
  match hps rhs = HS.Match dummy (maybe (dsubname q i) HS.Ident maybeName) hps Nothing
                           (HS.UnGuardedRhs rhs) (HS.BDecls [])
  bvars (Body _)           _ = []
  bvars (Bind (Abs _ b'))  n = HS.PVar (ihname "v" n) : bvars b' (n + 1)
  bvars (Bind (NoAbs _ b)) n = HS.PWildCard : bvars b n
  bvars NoBody             _ = repeat HS.PWildCard -- ?

  isCon (Arg _ (Named _ ConP{})) = True
  isCon _                        = False

-- argpatts aps xs = hps
-- xs is alist of haskell *variables* in form of patterns (because of wildcard)
argpatts :: [I.NamedArg Pattern] -> [HS.Pat] -> TCM [HS.Pat]
argpatts ps0 bvs = evalStateT (mapM pat' ps0) bvs
  pat   (ProjP _  ) = lift $ typeError $ NotImplemented $ "Compilation of copatterns"
  pat   (VarP _   ) = do v <- gets head; modify tail; return v
  pat   (DotP _   ) = pat (VarP dummy) -- WHY NOT: return HS.PWildCard -- SEE ABOVE
  pat   (LitP l   ) = return $ HS.PLit $ hslit l
  pat p@(ConP c _ ps) = do
    -- Note that irr is applied once for every subpattern, so in the
    -- worst case it is quadratic in the size of the pattern. I
    -- suspect that this will not be a problem in practice, though.
    irrefutable <- lift $ irr p
    let tilde = if   tildesEnabled && irrefutable
                then HS.PParen . HS.PIrrPat
                else id
    (tilde . HS.PParen) <$>
      (HS.PApp <$> lift (conhqn $ conName c) <*> mapM pat' ps)

  {- Andreas, 2013-02-15 this triggers Issue 794,
     because it fails to count the variables bound in p,
     thus, the following variables bound by patterns do
     not correspond to the according rhs-variables.

  -- Andreas, 2010-09-29
  -- do not match against irrelevant stuff
  pat' a | isIrrelevant a = return $ HS.PWildCard
  pat' a = pat $ namedArg a

  tildesEnabled = False

  -- | Is the pattern irrefutable?
  irr :: Pattern -> TCM Bool
  irr (ProjP {})  = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  irr (VarP {})   = return True
  irr (DotP {})   = return True
  irr (LitP {})   = return False
  irr (ConP c _ ps) =
    (&&) <$> singleConstructorType (conName c)
         <*> (andM $ L.map irr' ps)

  -- | Irrelevant patterns are naturally irrefutable.
  irr' a | isIrrelevant a = return $ True
  irr' a = irr $ namedArg a

clausebody :: ClauseBody -> TCM HS.Exp
clausebody b0 = runReaderT (go b0) 0 where
  go (Body tm       )   = hsCast <$> term tm
  go (Bind (Abs _ b))   = local (1+) $ go b
  go (Bind (NoAbs _ b)) = go b
  go NoBody             = return $ rtmError $ "Impossible Clause Body"

-- | Extract Agda term to Haskell expression.
--   Irrelevant arguments are extracted as @()@.
--   Types are extracted as @()@.
--   @DontCare@ outside of irrelevant arguments is extracted as @error@.
term :: Term -> ReaderT Nat TCM HS.Exp
term tm0 = case unSpine $ ignoreSharing tm0 of
  Var   i es -> do
    let Just as = allApplyElims es
    n <- ask
    apps (hsVarUQ $ ihname "v" (n - i - 1)) as
  Lam   _ at -> do n <- ask; HS.Lambda dummy [HS.PVar $ ihname "v" n] <$>
                              local (1+) (term $ absBody at)
  Lit   l    -> lift $ literal l
  Def   q es -> do
    let Just as = allApplyElims es
    q <- lift $ xhqn "d" q
    HS.Var q `apps` as
  Con   c as -> do
    let q = conName c
    kit <- lift coinductionKit
    if Just q == (nameOfSharp <$> kit)
      then (`apps` as) . HS.Var =<< lift (xhqn "d" q)
      else (`apps` as) . HS.Con =<< lift (conhqn q)
  Level l    -> term =<< lift (reallyUnLevelView l)
  Pi    _ _  -> return HS.unit_con
  Sort  _    -> return HS.unit_con
  MetaV _ _  -> mazerror "hit MetaV"
  DontCare _ -> return $ rtmError $ "hit DontCare"
  Shared{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  where apps =  foldM (\h a -> HS.App h <$> term' a)

-- | Irrelevant arguments are replaced by Haskells' ().
term' :: I.Arg Term -> ReaderT Nat TCM HS.Exp
term' a | isIrrelevant a = return HS.unit_con
term' a = term $ unArg a

literal :: Literal -> TCM HS.Exp
literal l = case l of
  LitInt    _ _   -> do toN <- bltQual "NATURAL" mazIntegerToNat
                        return $ HS.Var toN `HS.App` typed "Integer"
  LitFloat  _ _   -> return $ typed "Double"
  LitQName  _ x   -> litqname x
  _               -> return $ l'
  where l'    = HS.Lit $ hslit l
        typed = HS.ExpTypeSig dummy l' . HS.TyCon . rtmQual

hslit :: Literal -> HS.Literal
hslit l = case l of LitInt    _ x -> HS.Int    x
                    LitFloat  _ x -> HS.Frac   (toRational x)
                    LitString _ x -> HS.String x
                    LitChar   _ x -> HS.Char   x
                    LitQName  _ x -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

litqname :: QName -> TCM HS.Exp
litqname x = return $
  HS.Con (HS.Qual mazRTE $ HS.Ident "QName") `HS.App`
  HS.Lit (HS.Int n) `HS.App`
  HS.Lit (HS.Int m) `HS.App`
  (rtmError "primQNameType: not implemented") `HS.App`
  (rtmError "primQNameDefinition: not implemented")
    NameId n m = nameId $ qnameName x

condecl :: QName -> TCM (Nat, HS.ConDecl)
condecl q = do
  (ar, np) <- conArityAndPars q
  return $ (ar + np, cdecl q ar)

cdecl :: QName -> Nat -> HS.ConDecl
cdecl q n = HS.ConDecl (unqhname "C" q)
            [ HS.UnBangedTy $ HS.TyVar $ ihname "a" i | i <- [0 .. n - 1]]

tvaldecl :: QName
         -> Induction
            -- ^ Is the type inductive or coinductive?
         -> Nat -> Nat -> [HS.ConDecl] -> Maybe Clause -> [HS.Decl]
tvaldecl q ind ntv npar cds cl =
  HS.FunBind [HS.Match dummy vn pvs Nothing
                       (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) (HS.BDecls [])] :
  maybe [HS.DataDecl dummy kind [] tn tvs
                     (L.map (HS.QualConDecl dummy [] []) cds) []]
        (const []) cl
  (tn, vn) = (unqhname "T" q, unqhname "d" q)
  tvs = [ HS.UnkindedVar $ ihname "a" i | i <- [0 .. ntv  - 1]]
  pvs = [ HS.PVar        $ ihname "a" i | i <- [0 .. npar - 1]]

  -- Inductive data types consisting of a single constructor with a
  -- single argument are translated into newtypes.
  kind = case (ind, cds) of
    (Inductive, [HS.ConDecl _ [_]]) -> HS.NewType
    (Inductive, [HS.RecDecl _ [_]]) -> HS.NewType
    _                               -> HS.DataType

infodecl :: QName -> HS.Decl
infodecl q = fakeD (unqhname "name" q) $ show (show q)

-- Inserting unsafeCoerce

hsCast :: HS.Exp -> HS.Exp
hsCast = addcast . go where
  addcast [e@(HS.Var(HS.UnQual(HS.Ident(c:ns))))] | c == 'v' && all isDigit ns = e
  addcast es = foldl HS.App mazCoerce es
  -- this need to be extended if you generate other kinds of exps.
  go (HS.App e1 e2    ) = go e1 ++ [hsCast e2]
  go (HS.Lambda _ ps e) = [ HS.Lambda dummy ps (hsCast e) ]
  go e = [e]

hsCast e = mazCoerce `HS.App` hsCast' e
hsCast' (HS.App e1 e2)     = hsCast' e1 `HS.App` (hsCoerce $ hsCast' e2)
hsCast' (HS.Lambda _ ps e) = HS.Lambda dummy ps $ hsCast' e
hsCast' e = e

-- No coercion for literal integers
hsCoerce e@(HS.ExpTypeSig _ (HS.Lit (HS.Int{})) _) = e
hsCoerce e = HS.App mazCoerce e

-- Writing out a haskell module

writeModule :: HS.Module -> TCM ()
writeModule (HS.Module l m ps w ex imp ds) = do
  -- Note that GHC assumes that sources use ASCII or UTF-8.
  out <- outFile m
  liftIO $ UTF8.writeFile out $ prettyPrint $
    HS.Module l m (p : ps) w ex imp ds
  p = HS.LanguagePragma dummy $ L.map HS.Ident $
        [ "EmptyDataDecls"
        , "ExistentialQuantification"
        , "ScopedTypeVariables"
        , "NoMonomorphismRestriction"
        , "Rank2Types"

rteModule :: HS.Module
rteModule = ok $ parse $ unlines
  [ "module " ++ prettyPrint mazRTE ++ " where"
  , "import Unsafe.Coerce"
  , ""
  , "-- Special version of coerce that plays well with rules."
  , "{-# INLINE [1] mazCoerce #-}"
  , "mazCoerce = Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce"
  , "{-# RULES \"coerce-id\" forall (x :: a) . mazCoerce x = x #-}"
  , ""
  , "-- Builtin QNames, the third field is for the type."
  , "data QName a b = QName { nameId, moduleId :: Integer, qnameType :: a, qnameDefinition :: b }"
  , "instance Eq (QName a b) where"
  , "  QName a b _ _ == QName c d _ _ = (a, b) == (c, d)"
  , ""
  , "mazIncompleteMatch :: String -> a"
  , "mazIncompleteMatch s = error (\"MAlonzo Runtime Error: incomplete pattern matching: \" ++ s)"
    parse = HS.parseWithMode
              HS.defaultParseMode{HS.extensions = [explicitForAll]}
    ok (HS.ParseOk d)   = d
    ok HS.ParseFailed{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__

explicitForAll :: HS.Extension
explicitForAll =
-- GHC 7.0.1 cannot parse the following CPP conditional
-- error: missing binary operator before token "("
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,14,0)
  HS.EnableExtension HS.ExplicitForAll
#elif MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,12,0)

compileDir :: TCM FilePath
compileDir = do
  mdir <- optCompileDir <$> commandLineOptions
  case mdir of
    Just dir -> return dir
    Nothing  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

outFile' m = do
  mdir <- compileDir
  let (fdir, fn) = splitFileName $ repldot pathSeparator $
                   prettyPrint m
  let dir = mdir </> fdir
      fp  = dir </> replaceExtension fn "hs"
  liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
  return (mdir, fp)
  repldot c = L.map (\c' -> if c' == '.' then c else c')

outFile :: HS.ModuleName -> TCM FilePath
outFile m = snd <$> outFile' m

outFile_ :: TCM FilePath
outFile_ = outFile =<< curHsMod

callGHC :: Bool -> Interface -> TCM ()
callGHC modIsMain i = do
  setInterface i
  mdir          <- compileDir
  hsmod         <- prettyPrint <$> curHsMod
  MName agdaMod <- curMName
  let outputName = case agdaMod of
        [] -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        ms -> last ms
  (mdir, fp) <- outFile' =<< curHsMod
  opts       <- optGhcFlags <$> commandLineOptions

  let overridableArgs =
        [ "-O"] ++
        (if modIsMain then ["-o", mdir </> show outputName] else []) ++
        [ "-Werror"]
      otherArgs       =
        [ "-i" ++ mdir] ++
        (if modIsMain then ["-main-is", hsmod] else []) ++
        [ fp
        , "--make"
        , "-fwarn-incomplete-patterns"
        , "-fno-warn-overlapping-patterns"
      args     = overridableArgs ++ opts ++ otherArgs
      compiler = "ghc"

  -- Note: Some versions of GHC use stderr for progress reports. For
  -- those versions of GHC we don't print any progress information
  -- unless an error is encountered.
  callCompiler compiler args