-- Fixed on AIM XIV 2011-09-09 AA, UN -- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.lhs.unify:50 #-} module Issue292 where data ⊥ : Set where infix 3 ¬_ ¬_ : Set → Set ¬ P = P → ⊥ infix 4 _≅_ data _≅_ {A : Set} (x : A) : ∀ {B : Set} → B → Set where refl : x ≅ x record Σ (A : Set) (B : A → Set) : Set where constructor _,_ field proj₁ : A proj₂ : B proj₁ open Σ public data Bool : Set where true false : Bool data D : Bool -> Set where tt : D true ff : D false P : Set -> Set P S = Σ S (\s → s ≅ tt) pbool : P (D true) pbool = tt , refl ¬pbool2 : ¬ P (D false) ¬pbool2 ( ff , () ) -- Andreas, 2011-09-13 fix of fix: should work again {- WAS: expected error ff ≅ tt should be empty, but that's not obvious to me when checking that the clause ¬pbool2 (ff , ()) has type ¬ P (D false) -}