{-| Module : Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.Taylor Description : implementation of Taylor series Copyright : (c) Amin Farjudian, Michal Konecny License : BSD3 Maintainer : mik@konecny.aow.cz Stability : experimental Portability : portable Taylor series related functions. -} module Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.Taylor where import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA import qualified Data.Number.ER.ExtendedInteger as EI import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes erTaylor_R :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) => EffortIndex -> (Int -> ira) -- ^ coefficients of the Taylor series -> (Int -> ira) -- ^ function to estimate the n'th derivative between a and x -> ira -- ^ centre of the Taylor Expansion -> ira -> ira erTaylor_R ix coefSeq derivBounds a x = erTaylor_R_FullArgs coefSeq derivBounds n a gran x where n = fromInteger ix gran = fromInteger $ toInteger $ ix erTaylor_R_FullArgs :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) => (Int -> ira) -- ^ coefficients of the Taylor series -> (Int -> ira) -- ^ function to estimate the n'th derivative between a and x -> Int -- ^ use this many elements of the series (+ account for error appropriately) -> ira -- ^ centre of the Taylor Expansion -> Granularity -- ^ make all constants have this granularity, thus influencing rounding errors -> ira -> ira erTaylor_R_FullArgs coefSeq derivBounds n a gran x = rec_apTaylor (RA.setMinGranularity gran 0) 0 where rec_apTaylor i j | n > j = (coefSeq(j)) + ((x - a)/(i+1)) * (rec_apTaylor (i+1) (j+1)) | n == j = derivBounds n | otherwise = error "Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.Taylor.hs: erTaylor_RA_FullArgs: The index n cannot be negative" {-| A Taylor series for exponentiation. -} erExp_Tay_Opt_R :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) => EffortIndex -> ira -> ira erExp_Tay_Opt_R ix x | RA.isEmpty x = RA.emptyApprox | x `RA.refines` (-1/0) = 0 -- -infty is not handled well by the Taylor formula | otherwise = 1 + (te ix x (RA.setMinGranularity gran 1)) where gran = effIx2gran ix te steps x i | steps > 0 = (x/i) * (1 + (te (steps - 1) x (i + 1))) | steps == 0 = errorBound where errorBound = (x/i) * ithDerivBound ithDerivBound | xCeiling == EI.MinusInfinity = -- certainly -infty: 0 | xCeiling < 0 = -- certainly negative: pow26xFloor RA.\/ 1 | xFloor > 0 = -- certainly positive: 1 RA.\/ pow28xCeiling | otherwise = -- could contain 0: pow26xFloor RA.\/ pow28xCeiling where (xFloor, xCeiling) = RA.integerBounds x pow26xFloor | xFloor == EI.MinusInfinity = 0 | otherwise = ((RA.setMinGranularity gran 26)/10) ^^ xFloor -- lower estimate of e^x pow28xCeiling | xCeiling == EI.PlusInfinity = (1/0) | otherwise = ((RA.setMinGranularity gran 28)/10) ^^ xCeiling -- upper estimate of e^x {- The sine and cosine are implemented in almost exactly the same way -} {-| A Taylor series for sine. -} erSine_Tay_Opt_R :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) => EffortIndex -> ira -> ira erSine_Tay_Opt_R ix x = taylor_seg ix x (RA.setMinGranularity gran 1) where gran = effIx2gran ix taylor_seg i x n -- 'i' for iterator | i > 0 = x - (x*x)/((n+1)*(n+2)) * (taylor_seg (i-2) x (n+2)) | otherwise = errorRegion where errorRegion = (- x) RA.\/ x {-| A Taylor series for cosine. -} erCosine_Tay_Opt_R :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) => EffortIndex -> ira -> ira erCosine_Tay_Opt_R ix x = taylor_seg ix x (RA.setMinGranularity gran 1) where gran = effIx2gran ix taylor_seg i x n -- 'i' for iterator | i > 0 = 1 - ((x*x)/(n*(n+1))) * (taylor_seg (i-2) x (n+2)) | otherwise = errorRegion where errorRegion = (-1) RA.\/ (1) {-| Natural Logarithm: The following is a code for obtaining natural logarithm using taylor series. Note that it only works for x in [ 1, 2]. For other values, a scaling by factors of e^q is best to do, i.e. if x is not in [1,2], then find some ratioal number q where exp(q) * x is in [1,2]. Then you have: log ( exp(q) * m) = q + log(m) -} {-| Coefficients of the taylor series around a=1 -} --logTayCoefs -- :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) -- => Int -- up to how many terms of the Taylor series is desired -- -> Int -- -> ra -- --logTayCoefs n i ---- | i < 0 = error "ERTaylor.logTayCoefs: Negative n for the n-th term of Taylor series for logarithm" -- | i == 0 = 0 -- | i == n = fromInteger $ toInteger $ amFact(n-1) -- | otherwise = fromInteger $ toInteger $ ((-1)^(i-1) * amFact(i-1)) -- where -- amFact (m) = product [1..m] --logTay_RA -- :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) -- => EffortIndex -- -> ra -- -> ra -- --logTay_RA i = erTaylor_RA_FullArgs (logTayCoefs $fromInteger $ toInteger $ i) -- (100000) (setMinGranularity (effIx2gran i) 1) (effIx2gran i) -- -- --logTay -- :: (RA.ERIntApprox ira) -- => (ConvergRealSeq ra) -- -> (ConvergRealSeq ra) --logTay = convertFuncRA2Seq logTay_RA