{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-| Module : Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval Description : safe interval arithmetic Copyright : (c) Michal Konecny License : BSD3 Maintainer : mik@konecny.aow.cz Stability : experimental Portability : portable This module defines an arbitrary precision interval type and most of its interval arithmetic operations. -} module Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval ( ERInterval(..), normaliseERInterval ) where import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Elementary as RAEL import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B import qualified Data.Number.ER.ExtendedInteger as EI import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes import Data.Number.ER.Misc import Data.Ratio import qualified Text.Html as H import Data.Typeable import Data.Generics.Basics import Data.Binary --import BinaryDerive {-| Type for arbitrary precision interval arithmetic. -} data ERInterval base = ERIntervalEmpty -- ^ usually represents computation error (top element in the interval domain) | ERIntervalAny -- ^ represents no knowledge of result (bottom element in the interval domain) | ERInterval { erintv_left :: base, erintv_right :: base } deriving (Typeable, Data) {- the following has been generated by BinaryDerive -} instance (Binary a) => Binary (ERInterval a) where put ERIntervalEmpty = putWord8 0 put ERIntervalAny = putWord8 1 put (ERInterval a b) = putWord8 2 >> put a >> put b get = do tag_ <- getWord8 case tag_ of 0 -> return ERIntervalEmpty 1 -> return ERIntervalAny 2 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (ERInterval a b) _ -> fail "no parse" {- the above has been generated by BinaryDerive -} {-| convert to a normal form, ie: * no NaNs as endpoints * @l <= r@ * no (-Infty, +Infty) -} normaliseERInterval :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> ERInterval b normaliseERInterval (ERInterval minusInfty plusInfty) | B.isPlusInfinity plusInfty && B.isPlusInfinity (- minusInfty) = ERIntervalAny normaliseERInterval (ERInterval nan1 nan2) | B.isERNaN nan1 && B.isERNaN nan2 = ERIntervalAny normaliseERInterval (ERInterval nan r) | B.isERNaN nan = ERInterval (- B.plusInfinity) r normaliseERInterval (ERInterval l nan) | B.isERNaN nan = ERInterval l (B.plusInfinity) normaliseERInterval (ERInterval l r) | l > r = ERIntervalEmpty normaliseERInterval i = i {-| erintvPrecision returns an approximation of the number of bits required to represent the mantissa of a normalised size of the interval: > - log_2 ((r - l) / (1 + abs(r) + abs(l))) Notice that this is +Infty for singleton and empty intervals and -Infty for the whole real line. -} erintvPrecision :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> EI.ExtendedInteger erintvPrecision (ERInterval l r) = -1 - (B.getApproxBinaryLog $ (r - l)) -- /(1 + abs r + abs l)) erintvPrecision ERIntervalEmpty = EI.PlusInfinity erintvPrecision ERIntervalAny = EI.MinusInfinity erintvGranularity :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> Int erintvGranularity ERIntervalAny = 0 erintvGranularity ERIntervalEmpty = 0 erintvGranularity (ERInterval l r) = min (B.getGranularity l) (B.getGranularity r) {- syntactic comparisons -} {-| a syntactic equality test -} erintvEqualApprox :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Bool erintvEqualApprox (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2 erintvEqualApprox ERIntervalEmpty ERIntervalEmpty = True erintvEqualApprox ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = True erintvEqualApprox _ _ = False {-| a syntactic linear order -} erintvCompareApprox :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Ordering erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalEmpty ERIntervalEmpty = EQ erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalEmpty _ = LT erintvCompareApprox _ ERIntervalEmpty = GT erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = EQ erintvCompareApprox ERIntervalAny _ = LT erintvCompareApprox _ ERIntervalAny = GT erintvCompareApprox (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) = case compare l1 l2 of EQ -> compare r1 r2 res -> res {- semantic comparisons -} {-| Compare for equality two intervals interpreted as approximations for 2 single real numbers. When equality or inequality cannot be established, return Nothing (ie bottom). -} erintvEqualReals :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Maybe Bool erintvEqualReals ERIntervalEmpty _ = Nothing erintvEqualReals _ ERIntervalEmpty = Nothing erintvEqualReals ERIntervalAny _ = Nothing erintvEqualReals _ ERIntervalAny = Nothing erintvEqualReals (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) | l1 == r1 && l2 == r2 && l1 == l2 = Just True | r1 < l2 || l1 > r2 = Just False | otherwise = Nothing {-| Compare in natural order two intervals interpreted as approximations for 2 single real numbers. When equality or inequality cannot be established, return Nothing (ie bottom). -} erintvCompareReals :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Maybe Ordering erintvCompareReals ERIntervalEmpty _ = Nothing erintvCompareReals _ ERIntervalEmpty = Nothing erintvCompareReals ERIntervalAny _ = Nothing erintvCompareReals _ ERIntervalAny = Nothing erintvCompareReals i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2) | r1 < l2 = Just LT | l1 > r2 = Just GT | l1 == r1 && l2 == r2 && l1 == l2 = Just EQ | otherwise = Nothing {-| Compare in natural order two intervals interpreted as approximations for 2 single real numbers. When relaxed equality cannot be established nor disproved, return Nothing (ie bottom). -} erintvLeqReals :: (B.ERRealBase b) => ERInterval b -> ERInterval b -> Maybe Bool erintvLeqReals ERIntervalEmpty _ = Nothing erintvLeqReals _ ERIntervalEmpty = Nothing erintvLeqReals ERIntervalAny _ = Nothing erintvLeqReals _ ERIntervalAny = Nothing erintvLeqReals i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2) | r1 <= l2 = Just True | l1 > r2 = Just False | otherwise = Nothing {-| Default splitting: > [-Infty,+Infty] |-> [-Infty,0] [0,+Infty] > [-Infty,x] |-> [-Infty,2*x-1] [2*x-1, x] (x <= 0) > [-Infty,x] |-> [-Infty,0] [0, x] (x > 0) > [x,+Infty] |-> [x,2*x+1] [2*x+1,+Infty] (x => 0) > [x,+Infty] |-> [x,0] [0,+Infty] (x < 0) > [x,y] |-> [x, (x+y)/2] [(x+y)/2, y] > empty |-> empty empty -} erintvDefaultBisectPt :: (B.ERRealBase b) => Granularity -> (ERInterval b) -> (ERInterval b) erintvDefaultBisectPt gran ERIntervalAny = 0 erintvDefaultBisectPt gran ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty erintvDefaultBisectPt gran (ERInterval l r) = ERInterval m m where m | B.isPlusInfinity r = if l < 0 then 0 else 2 * (B.setMinGranularity gran l) + 1 | B.isPlusInfinity (-l) = if r > 0 then 0 else 2 * (B.setMinGranularity gran r) - 1 | otherwise = ((B.setMinGranularity gran l) + r)/2 erintvBisect :: (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => Granularity -> (Maybe (ERInterval b)) -> (ERInterval b) -> (ERInterval b, ERInterval b) erintvBisect gran maybePt i = (l RA.\/ m, m RA.\/ r) where (l,r) = RA.bounds i m = case maybePt of Just m -> m Nothing -> erintvDefaultBisectPt gran i instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Eq (ERInterval b) where i1 == i2 = case erintvEqualReals i1 i2 of Nothing -> error $ "ERInterval: Eq: comparing overlapping intervals:\n" ++ show i1 ++ "\n" ++ show i2 Just b -> b instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Ord (ERInterval b) where compare i1 i2 = case erintvCompareReals i1 i2 of Nothing -> error $ "ERInterval: Ord: comparing overlapping intervals:\n" ++ show i1 ++ "\n" ++ show i2 Just r -> r {- max: (Default implementation is wrong in this case: eg compare is not defined for overlapping intervals.) -} max i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2) = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (max l1 l2) (max r1 r2) max ERIntervalEmpty _ = ERIntervalEmpty max _ ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty max ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny max ERIntervalAny (ERInterval l r) = ERInterval l B.plusInfinity max (ERInterval l r) ERIntervalAny = ERInterval l B.plusInfinity {- min: -} min i1@(ERInterval l1 r1) i2@(ERInterval l2 r2) = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (min l1 l2) (min r1 r2) min ERIntervalEmpty _ = ERIntervalEmpty min _ ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty min ERIntervalAny ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny min ERIntervalAny (ERInterval l r) = ERInterval (- B.plusInfinity) r min (ERInterval l r) ERIntervalAny = ERInterval (- B.plusInfinity) r instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Show (ERInterval b) where show = erintvShow 16 True False erintvShow numDigits showGran showComponents interval = showERI interval where showERI ERIntervalEmpty = "[NONE]" showERI ERIntervalAny = "[ANY]" showERI (ERInterval l r) | l == r = "<" ++ showBase l ++ ">" | otherwise = "[" ++ showBase l ++ "," ++ showBase r ++ "]" showBase = B.showDiGrCmp numDigits showGran showComponents instance (B.ERRealBase b, H.HTML b) => H.HTML (ERInterval b) where toHtml (ERInterval l r) | l == r = H.toHtml $ show l | otherwise = H.simpleTable [] [] [[H.toHtml l],[H.toHtml r]] toHtml i = H.toHtml $ show i instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Num (ERInterval b) where fromInteger n = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (fromInteger n) (fromInteger n) {- abs -} abs (ERInterval l r) | l < 0 && r > 0 = ERInterval 0 (max (-l) r) | r <= 0 = ERInterval (-r) (-l) | otherwise = ERInterval l r abs ERIntervalAny = ERInterval 0 B.plusInfinity abs ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty {- signum -} signum i@(ERInterval l r) | l < 0 && r > 0 = ERInterval (-1) 1 -- need many-valuedness via sequences of intervals | r < 0 = ERInterval (-1) (-1) | l > 0 = ERInterval 1 1 | l == 0 && r == 0 = i | l == 0 = ERInterval 0 1 | r == 0 = ERInterval (-1) 0 signum ERIntervalAny = ERInterval (-1) 1 signum ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty {- negate -} negate (ERInterval l r) = (ERInterval (-r) (-l)) negate ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty negate ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny {- addition -} (ERInterval l1 r1) + (ERInterval l2 r2) = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (-((-l1) + (-l2))) -- reverse the rounding mode (r1 + r2) ERIntervalAny + i2 = ERIntervalAny i1 + ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny ERIntervalEmpty + i2 = ERIntervalEmpty i1 + ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty {- multiplication -} (ERInterval l1 r1) * (ERInterval l2 r2) | haveNan = ERIntervalAny | otherwise = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval minProd maxProd where haveNan = or $ map B.isERNaN (prodsL ++ prodsR) minProd = foldl1 min prodsL maxProd = foldl1 max prodsR prodsL = [-((-l1) * l2), -((-l1) * r2), -((-r1) * l2), -((-r1) * r2)] prodsR = [l1 * l2, l1 * r2, r1 * l2, r1 * r2] ERIntervalAny * i2 = ERIntervalAny i1 * ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny ERIntervalEmpty * i2 = ERIntervalEmpty i1 * ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty instance (B.ERRealBase b) => Fractional (ERInterval b) where fromRational rat = (fromInteger $ numerator rat) / (fromInteger $ denominator rat) {- division -} (ERInterval l1 r1) / (ERInterval l2 r2) | l2 < 0 && r2 > 0 = ERIntervalAny | haveNan = -- unsafePrint "ERInterval: /: haveNan" $ ERIntervalAny | l2 == 0 && r2 > 0 && 1/l2 < 0 = -- minus 0 (ERInterval l1 r1) / (ERInterval (-l2) r2) -- correct it to +0 | r2 == 0 && l2 < 0 && 1/r2 > 0 = -- plus 0 (ERInterval l1 r1) / (ERInterval l2 (-r2)) -- correct it to -0 | otherwise = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval minDiv maxDiv where haveNan = or $ map B.isERNaN (divsL ++ divsR) minDiv = foldl1 min divsL maxDiv = foldl1 max divsR divsL = [-(l1 / (-l2)), -(l1 / (-r2)), -(r1 / (-l2)), -(r1 / (-r2))] divsR = [l1 / l2, l1 / r2, r1 / l2, r1 / r2] ERIntervalAny / i2 = ERIntervalAny i1 / ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny ERIntervalEmpty / i2 = ERIntervalEmpty i1 / ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty instance (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => RA.ERApprox (ERInterval b) where initialiseBaseArithmetic _ = B.initialiseBaseArithmetic (0 :: b) getPrecision i = erintvPrecision i getGranularity i = erintvGranularity i {- setMinGranularity -} setMinGranularity gr (ERInterval l r) = normaliseERInterval $ (ERInterval (- (B.setMinGranularity gr (-l))) (B.setMinGranularity gr r)) setMinGranularity _ i = i {- setGranularity -} setGranularity gr (ERInterval l r) = normaliseERInterval $ (ERInterval (- (B.setGranularity gr (-l))) (B.setGranularity gr r)) setGranularity _ i = i {- bottomApprox -} bottomApprox = ERIntervalAny {- emptyApprox -} emptyApprox = ERIntervalEmpty {- isEmpty -} isEmpty ERIntervalEmpty = True isEmpty _ = False {- isBottom -} isBottom ERIntervalAny = True isBottom (ERInterval l r) = B.isPlusInfinity r && B.isPlusInfinity (-l) isBottom _ = False {- isExact -} isExact ERIntervalEmpty = False isExact ERIntervalAny = False isExact (ERInterval l r) = l == r {- isBounded -} isBounded ERIntervalEmpty = True isBounded ERIntervalAny = False isBounded (ERInterval l r) = (- B.plusInfinity) < l && r < B.plusInfinity {- intersection -} ERIntervalEmpty /\ i = ERIntervalEmpty i /\ ERIntervalEmpty = ERIntervalEmpty ERIntervalAny /\ i = i i /\ ERIntervalAny = i (ERInterval l1 r1) /\ (ERInterval l2 r2) = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (max l1 l2) (min r1 r2) {- intersectMeasureImprovement -} intersectMeasureImprovement _ ERIntervalEmpty i = (ERIntervalEmpty, 1) intersectMeasureImprovement _ i ERIntervalEmpty = (ERIntervalEmpty, 1) intersectMeasureImprovement _ ERIntervalAny i = (i, 1) intersectMeasureImprovement _ i ERIntervalAny = (i, 1) intersectMeasureImprovement ix i1 i2 = (isec, impr) where isec = i1 RA./\ i2 impr | 0 `RA.refines` isecWidth && 0 `RA.refines` i1Width = 1 -- 0 -> 0 is no improvement | otherwise = i1Width / isecWidth i1Width = i1H - i1L isecWidth = isecH - isecL (isecL, isecH) = RA.bounds $ RA.setMinGranularity gran isec (i1L, i1H) = RA.bounds $ RA.setMinGranularity gran i1 gran = effIx2gran ix {- refines -} refines _ ERIntervalAny = True refines ERIntervalEmpty _ = True refines ERIntervalAny _ = False refines _ ERIntervalEmpty = False refines (ERInterval l1 r1) (ERInterval l2 r2) = l2 <= l1 && r1 <= r2 {- semantic comparisons -} equalReals = erintvEqualReals compareReals = erintvCompareReals leqReals = erintvLeqReals {- non-semantic comparisons -} equalApprox = erintvEqualApprox compareApprox = erintvCompareApprox {- conversion from Double -} double2ra d = ERInterval b b where b = B.fromDouble d {- formatting -} showApprox = erintvShow instance (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => RA.ERIntApprox (ERInterval b) where doubleBounds ERIntervalAny = (- infinity, infinity) where infinity = 1/0 doubleBounds ERIntervalEmpty = error "ERInterval: doubleBounds: empty interval" doubleBounds (ERInterval l r) = (B.toDouble l, B.toDouble r) floatBounds ERIntervalAny = (- infinity, infinity) where infinity = 1/0 floatBounds ERIntervalEmpty = error "ERInterval: floatBounds: empty interval" floatBounds (ERInterval l r) = (B.toFloat l, B.toFloat r) integerBounds ERIntervalAny = (- infinity, infinity) where infinity = EI.PlusInfinity integerBounds ERIntervalEmpty = error "ERInterval: integerBounds: empty interval" integerBounds (ERInterval l r) = (- (mkEI (- l)), mkEI r) where mkEI f | B.isPlusInfinity f = EI.PlusInfinity | B.isPlusInfinity (-f) = EI.MinusInfinity | otherwise = ceiling f defaultBisectPt dom = erintvDefaultBisectPt (RA.getGranularity dom + 1) dom bisectDomain maybePt dom = erintvBisect (RA.getGranularity dom + 1) maybePt dom {- \/ -} ERIntervalEmpty \/ i = i i \/ ERIntervalEmpty = i ERIntervalAny \/ _ = ERIntervalAny _ \/ ERIntervalAny = ERIntervalAny (ERInterval l1 r1) \/ (ERInterval l2 r2) = normaliseERInterval $ ERInterval (min l1 l2) (max r1 r2) {- RA.bounds -} bounds ERIntervalAny = (ERInterval (-B.plusInfinity) (-B.plusInfinity), ERInterval B.plusInfinity B.plusInfinity) bounds ERIntervalEmpty = (ERIntervalEmpty, ERIntervalEmpty) bounds (ERInterval l r) = (ERInterval l l, ERInterval r r) instance (B.ERRealBase b, RealFrac b) => RAEL.ERApproxElementary (ERInterval b) -- all operations here have appropriate default implementations